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宾州18岁中国留学生夜闯宿舍摸女生胸部被控19罪名 保释金25万
来源:statecollege.com | 2014/10/20 14:23:01 | 浏览:7939 | 评论:0

宾州18岁中国留学生夜闯宿舍摸女生胸部被控19罪名 保释金25万


这名中国留学生名叫邵中远(音译:Zhongyuan Shao),18岁,就读于该校工程学院。邵中元涉嫌10月11日和12日早上宾州州州立大学两幢宿舍楼发生的8起事件有关。该校警方和公共安全部门均接到报警,11日早晨,一名受害人称自己醒来后发现邵中远站在自己上方,并用手摸自己胸部。据法庭文件显示,邵中远在被告知要离开后,仍然做出要脱裤子的猥亵动作。在受害人第二次抗议后,邵中远才离开。据悉,该事件发生的宿舍楼正是邵中远居住的同所宿舍楼。案发第二天,居住在另外一名宿舍楼的女学生约在凌晨3点15分醒来,称邵中远在其睡觉的时候触摸自己肩膀——而这名女生的男友也在宿舍内,两人随即起了冲突,邵中远再次逃窜。



宾州18岁中国留学生夜闯宿舍摸女生胸部被控19罪名 保释金25万


宾夕法尼亚州立大学是位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的一所世界著名的公立研究型大学。美宾夕法尼亚州立大学在宾夕法尼亚州全境有24个校区,其中最大的也是主校区为University Park。宾州州立大学的University Park校区在全美公立大学中排名第八名。宾州州立大学University Park分校在校学生人数45,518人,宾州州立大学系统全部24个分校的在校学生人数约84,810人,加World Campus13,287人,根据2013年资料:总计98,097人,是全美最大的十所公立大学之一。

宾州18岁中国留学生夜闯宿舍摸女生胸部被控19罪名 保释金25万


Penn State Student Facing Felony Charges After Allegedly Trespassing, Assaulting Female Students    


Zhongyuan Shao, 18, is charged with criminal trespassing, indecent assault, harassment and burglary in connection with eight separate incidents in two residence halls that were reported to Penn State University Police and Public Safety the mornings of October 11 and 12.

Early in the morning of October 11, one victim reportedly woke to find Shao standing above her and allegedly touching her breasts. According to court documents, Shao allegedly told her they were “going to do this” and moved as if to take off his pants after being told to leave. When the victim protested a second time, he fled the room.

That incident occurred in Wolf Hall, the same residence hall to which Saho is assigned, according to court documents.

The next day, a female student awoke in her Stone Hall dorm room at approximately 3:15 a.m. to find Shao allegedly standing over and rubbing her genitals beneath her bed sheets. When she began to scream, police say he ran from the room.

At least one other victim – a minor visiting her sister in the dorms – told police Shao had fondled her as she slept. Another victim reported waking up to find Shao allegedly touching her shoulder while she slept beside her boyfriend. Police say the boyfriend confronted Shao and caused him to flee.

Several other women awoke to find Shao allegedly attempting to enter their locked rooms in Stone Hall. In one incident, Shao reportedly returned to one room after 20 minutes and attempted to enter a second time. Another victim told investigators that Shao had entered her dorm once before on September 28.

Each victim reportedly told police they did not know Shao or invite him into their rooms. They each were able to identify him as the alleged trespasser from security video footage. Shao, an engineering student from China, reportedly appeared before police officers the next day wearing the same clothes he had worn in the video. 

During the interview with police, Shao initially admitted attempting to enter every female residence on the first and second floors of Stone Hall before refusing to answer further questions, according to court documents.

He was arraigned on Monday and is being held on a $250,000 bail while awaiting an October 22 preliminary hearing.

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