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北美电影学院华人导演短片展 - 波士顿哈佛大学展映(11/3)
北美电影学院华人导演短片展 - 波士顿哈佛大学展映(11/3)
2014/10/30 9:05:45 | 浏览:2190 | 评论:0

[Harvard CSSA Seminar Special Event - 哈佛中国学联讲座组特别活动]

北美电影学院华人导演短片展 - 波士顿哈佛大学展映(11/3)

North America Chinese Directors Short Film Tour - Showcase in Boston


DateMon. Nov.3rd, 8:00 - 10:30p  时间:113日(周一)晚 8:00 - 10:30   

Venue|地点:Science Center Hall E(1 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138)

 Organized by EnMaze Pictures/Asian Culture Center

Co-hosted by Harvard Chinese Student and Scholars Association 

联合主办 惊迷影视 亚洲文化中心

协办 哈佛大学中国学生学者联合会

Please RSVP HERE ($10 general admission; Free to Harvard Students with valid ID - RSVP required)  

EnMaze Pictures LLC showcases the fourth screening of North America Chinese Directors Short Film Tour at Harvard University in Cambridge, Boston. Director Zijian Mu, Jie Yi, and Bruce Li will be attending the screening and discussing their filmmaking experience with the audience. The Boston event was co-presented by the Boston branch of Asian Cultural Center, in collaboration with the Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association(HCSSA). As the fourth stop of North America Chinese Directors Short Film Tour(the Tour), this event gathers three Student Academy Award-winning/nominated directors.  Since announcing the call for entries for the North America Chinese Directors Short Film Collection(the Collection)in May, 2014, EnMaze Pictures has collected a total of 93 short films directed by Chinese filmmakers from 30 film schools in North America. A professional jury of prestigious film scholars and experts including Richard Peña, Hardy Justice and Peggy Chiao were invited to select the best 21 shorts as the finalists. Starting from October until late November, the company is hosting the North America Chinese Directors Short Film Tour(the Tour)in major American cities including New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles. The Tour will reach China by early 2015.

惊迷影视发起的北美电影学院华人导演短片展巡展将在美国哈佛大学迎来第四场展映。北美电影学院华人导演短片展波士顿展映由惊迷影视和美国亚洲文化中心联合主办、哈佛大学中国学生学者联合会协办。参展影片导演中的三位:母子健、衣洁和Bruce Li将出席当晚活动。自20145月起,惊迷影视从横跨北美东西两岸的30所电影学院中征集到93部华人导演的电影短片,并由戴锦华、焦雄屏、Richard Peña等电影学界和业界著名人士组成的评审团从中选出最优秀的21部作品,组成《北美电影学院华人导演优秀短片集》。作为《短片集》活动的线下展映环节,北美电影学院华人导演短片展已陆续在纽约、芝加哥和旧金山等城市举办巡展,并将在117日于洛杉矶举行闭幕展映。巡展将于2015年初正式登陆中国,召开业内私映会。

​​Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association(HCSSA)
Lehman Hall ∙ Harvard University ∙ Cambridge 

email:   harvardcssa@gmail.com

facebook group:Harvard CSSA

facebook:Harvard CSSA

Twitter:Harvard CSSA

微博: 哈佛大学中国学联

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