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San José State University Job Opening in Sport Management
San José State University Job Opening in Sport Management
2014/11/3 8:42:00 | 浏览:1718 | 评论:0

San José State University Job Opening in Sport Management


Subject to Budgetary Approval

Specialist in Sport Management

Job Opening ID(JOID):23107

Rank:Assistant professor(tenure-track)


1. Doctorate by time of appointment;

2. Demonstrated ability to teach courses in sport management at the undergraduate and graduate level;

3. Evidence of scholarly promise, professional engagement, and ability to seek external funding where appropriate;

4. Must have a theoretical background that includes sport management sub-specialties such as sport finance, sport law, sport marketing, sport ethics, sport facilities, sport and public relations; sustainability and sport, and sport and globalization;

5. Sport industry experience is desirable;

6. Ability and willingness to develop ongoing relationships and internship opportunities with exercise facilities and sport teams at a variety of levels;

7. Ability to work collegially at both the undergraduate and graduate levels;

8. Ability and desire to serve on thesis committees, supervise theses/projects, and advise in the specialization;

9. Ability to teach core classes, general education, and/or physical activity classes as needed;

10. Awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals of a multicultural population as might have been gained in cross-cultural study, training, teaching or other comparable experience.


1. Teach sport management courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervise theses/projects, serve on thesis committees, and advise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. May also be expected to teach core courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, teach in the general education program, and/or teach in the physical activity program;

2. Direct and grow the undergraduate program; propose courses/curricula as needed;

3. Direct and grow an innovative graduate sport management program, propose courses/curricula as needed, and establish internship opportunities with Bay Area sport organizations;

4. Actively engage in community outreach to increase the visibility of the sport management programs;

5. Membership and participation in appropriate professional associations;

6. Conduct research, seek external funding where appropriate, present professional papers, and publish in professional journals;

7. Serve on department, college, and university committees as appropriate;

8. Candidate must address the needs of a student population of great diversity – in age, cultural background, ethnicity, disability, primary language, and academic preparation – through course materials, teaching strategies, and advisement.

Salary Range:Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Starting Date:August 18, 2015

Eligibility:Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the United States.

Application Procedures:Screening will start on January 15, 2015. For full consideration upload letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching interests/philosophy, and research plans and

at least three original letters of reference with contact information at apply.interfolio.com/27523

Please include Job Opening ID(JOID)on all correspondence.

Dr. Matthew Masucci, Chair E-mail:matthew.masucci@sjsu.edu

Department of Kinesiology Phone(408)924 3021

San José State University Fax(408)924 3053

San José, CA 95192-0054

For more information on the Department see www.sjsu.edu/kinesiology

San José State University is California’s oldest institution of public higher learning. The campus is located on the southern end of San Francisco Bay in downtown San José(pop. 1,000,000), hub of the world-famous Silicon Valley high-technology research and development center. Many of California’s most popular national, recreational, and cultural attractions are conveniently close. A member of the 23-campus CSU system, San José State University enrolls approximately 30,000 students, a significant percentage of whom are members of minority groups. The University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty so our disciplines, students and the community can benefit from multiple ethnic and gender perspectives.

San José State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. We consider qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, medical condition, marital status, veteran status, or disability. This policy applies to all San José State University students, faculty, and staff as well as University programs and activities. Reasonable accommodations are made for applicants with disabilities who self-disclose. Note that all San José State University employees are considered mandated reporters under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and are required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 as a condition of employment.

The latest San José State University Safety 101 Uniform Campus Crime and Security Report is available. You may request a copy of San José State University’s annual safety report by contacting the University Police Department at(408)924-2222 or by visiting the University Police Department website at(http://www.sjsu.edu/police.)


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