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四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会
四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会
2014/11/15 8:41:35 | 浏览:5897 | 评论:0

四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会


四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会

四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会参会者中有85%是博士、硕士研究生、博士后、和公派学者,有些已经毕业并已参加工作。 有些申请者来自数百里之外的新墨西哥州立大学和俄亥俄州的University of Toledo...。更有来自法国巴黎的 Paris Dauphine University和德国西门子公司的专家。  

四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会


四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会

Greeting from Dr. David Karber, Professor & Chair of ITP Advisory Committee,  CSULB

四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会


四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会


四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会


四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会


四川省委组织部 & 美国华裔教授专家网在USC成功举办2014年人才招聘会

四川省委组织部代表团和美国华裔教授专家网对 CSSA 詹一兰、柳眉、刘挺、扬子、袁旭、李一唅、杨东瀛和加州长滩州立大学徐慧蓉、陈海虹等为这次活动的圆满成功做出的大量、细致的准备工作表示深深的感谢和崇高的敬意。




大家上午好! Good morning, distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen. ‖ 

非常感谢大家能够出席2014年南加州大学高层次人才招聘会。Thank you for attending the 2014 Career Fair of High-level Talents at University of Southern California    美丽的洛杉矶被誉为阳光海岸天使之城,永远充满着阳光和温暖。从昨天踏上这一令人向往的阳光地带,我们就深深地被朋友们的温暖和热情所感染。Known for her sunshine and warmth, Los Angeles is praised as City of Angels. We’ve been deeply affected by your hospitality and enthusiasm from the moment we landed on this attractive sunbelt land.‖  在此,首先请允许我向在座的各位嘉宾,向各位关心和支持四川发展的朋友们,致以诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿! Here, please allow me to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes to all the guests, to all the friends who care for and support the development of Sichuan. ‖

160多年前,满载第一批中国移民的轮船驶进加州,怀揣淘金梦的华人先辈扎根西海岸开始艰苦创业,百年来维系起一个横跨太平洋的族群记忆,打开了通往世界的窗口。About 160 years ago, since a steamer carrying the first generation of Chinese emigrants shipped into California, holding the Gold Dreams, Chinese have started business in the west coast. For more than 100 years, they’ve made and kept the Chinese history across the Pacific Ocean. ‖    广大的华人先辈和后来一批又一批的追梦人,在见证美国西海岸的发展和繁荣、在见证硅谷的成长和成功、在见证facebook等商界娇子的异军突起时,也在见证和分享着自身创业圆梦的甘甜和喜悦。Many Chinese ancestors and group after group of dreamers have witnessed the development and prosperity of American west coast, and have been through the growth and success of Silicon Valley; they have seen the rises of leading corporation like Facebook; at the same time, they’ve been experiencing and sharing they own sweet moments of success.   如今成为美国西部最大的工业中心、金融中心和贸易中心,享誉世界的科技之城洛杉矶,除阳光、沙滩、好莱坞、迪斯尼等天然和人文元素外,其科技与人文、创新与发展,更吸引着世界的目光。Now Los Angeles, the city of science, has become the largest center of industry, finance and trade in the western states. Apart from its elements like sunshine and beautiful beaches, Hollywood, Disney Land and so forth, its science and culture, innovation and development also attract the world. ‖  我们选择在南加州大学开展高层次人才招聘,就是怀着把四川建设为世界的四川期盼而来,怀着对世界一流技术和人才的渴望而来!This is why we hold this program at this University. We come here for the top technology and talents in the world. ‖  先辈们曾经乘风破浪的创业之路必定会成为我们互相信任、分享机遇、共谋发展的合作之路。I believe we can develop a partnership of trust and success. ‖

各位嘉宾、各位朋友! Ladies and gentlemen, ‖

中国四川自古享有天府之国的美誉。China's Sichuan province has been enjoying its reputation as the Land of Abundance since ancient times. ‖ 当我们翻开四川漫长的历史画卷,我们可以看到灿烂夺目的三星堆、金沙遗址古蜀文明之玄妙神奇,世界上最早的纸币交子、最早的雕版印刷术、最早的锦缎丝织品蜀锦和至今仍然灌溉成都平原的水利奇迹都江堰; When we turn to the long history of Sichuan, we can find the mysterious ancient ruins Sanxingdui and Jinsha, the world’s first paper currency -- Jiaozi, the first printing, the earliest brocade silk fabrics -- Sichuan brocade and the working ancient irrigation system Dujiangyan Dam.

当我们铺开四川美丽的地图,When we turn to the beautiful map of Sichuan, 堪称世界水景之最的神奇九寨 leap to our eyes are one of the worlds most magical water features in Jiuzhai,世界最大最美丽的钙华景观黄龙the worlds largest and the most wonderful travertine  landscape in Huanglong, 最大的散发式大熊猫生态园the worlds biggest wild panda ecological park in Yaan, 最大的竹林蜀南竹海the worlds largest Bamboo forest in Changlin, 最高最大的摩岩石像乐山大佛,一一映入眼帘,使人流连忘返; as well as the world’s largest stone Buddha in Leshan.

当我们推开四川拥抱世界的视窗,早在唐代,四川就开辟出直达东南亚沿海的茶马古道,二战时期,这条古老的道路成为当时中国唯一的国际商业通道,它见证着四川主动融入世界的努力; When we look at the history of Sichuan embracing the world, we can find that as far back as the Tang Dynasty, Sichuan had developed the Ancient Tea-Horse Road to reach Southeast Asia. During the World War , the ancient road turned out to be the only international trade channel in China, witnessing the efforts Sichuan has made to embrace the world.‖

当我们迈开行走在四川中心城市大街小巷的脚步,我们可以感受到休闲的生活、丰富的人文和热烈开放的时尚气息。 When walking through the blocks and streets in major cities of Sichuan , we  enjoy the leisure life, rich culture and worldly fashion.  省会城市成都不仅拥有“世界优秀旅游目的地城市”、“世界美食之都”等称号,也被美国《福布斯》杂志评为未来10年全球发展最快城市第1名,《财富》杂志评为全球最佳新兴商务城市。The provincial capital city Chengdu prides itself not only in title as "the Worlds Outstanding Tourist Attraction ", "the Worlds City of Cuisine", but  also  the world's fastest-growing city  named by Forbes  and the world's  " best emerging business city. " by Fortune magazine

    今天的四川,已经发展成为中国西部最重要的科技中心、金融中心、物流中心与贸易中心;Today, Sichuan has developed into the most important technological, financial, logistics and trade center in western China    今天的四川,也正以敢为人先的气魄,以广纳天下英才的气度,把自己打造成为中国西部最一流的人才汇聚地。Now, Sichuan is determined to build itself as the first-class talent pool in western Chinese. 

分享一个创新元素激发的四川,我们与加州、与洛杉矶有着共同的语言,有着广阔的对话和合作空间:Sharing most creative elements in the world, California, LA and Sichuan have a vast space for dialogue and cooperation. 

从产业发展来看,四川是全国三大动力设备制造基地和四大区域性电子信息产业基地之一。In the industrial development, Sichuan is one of the three major power equipment manufacturing bases and four regional electronic information industrial bases in China.   汽车产业更是快速发展,沃尔沃、雪铁龙、现代、丰田、大众等都在四川设厂或建研发中心。The automobile industry has been developing most rapidly. Leading brands such as Volvo, Citroen, Toyota, Volkswagen have established factories or research and develop center in the Sichuan.

为积极参与全球市场竞争,新一代信息技术、新能源、高端装备制造、新材料、生物等7大战略性新兴产业和页岩气开发、信息安全、节能环保装备、航空与燃机、新能源汽车等5大高端成长型产业,为四川贴上了“全球智造”标签,这为吸引高端人才开创了完备的产业平台与市场。Sichuan has successfully turned itself into a favorable industrial and market platform with 7 well-established strategic emerging industries including new generation information technology, high-end equipment anufacturing, new energy, new materials, biology  and 5 well-developed major high-end growth industry including shale gas development, information security, energy saving and environment  protecting equipment, aviation and gas turbine, new energy vehicles. 

 洛杉矶拥有美国最大的石油化工、海洋、航天工业和电子业的基地,是世界汽车研发与生产的重镇,四川与洛杉矶在产业上具有较强的关联性。Sichuan is well in alignment in industry with LA since LA is one of the worlds most important automotive R&D and manufacturing center, possessing the largest oil  chemical, marine, aerospace industry and electronic industry base in the U.S.

从开放程度看,2013年底,落户四川的境外世界500强企业共195家,是外国设立领事馆最多的内陆城市。From the opening degree, by the end of 2013, 195 overseas corporations in the rank of the world’s top 500 strong enterprises have settled down in Sichuan. And the number of foreign consulates tops among inland cities in China.

          特别是2013年四川成功举办了第12届“财富全球论坛”和第12届世界华商大会,进一步巩固了四川在吸引世界人才、技术的影响力。In 2013, Sichuan successfully held the twelfth "Fortune Global Forum" and the twelfth World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and gained further influence in attracting the world's high-level talents and technology.

           其中,入驻四川的微软、甲骨文、SPA等全球13家顶级软件商年业务收入超过1000亿元,全球50%的苹果平板电脑在四川生产,英特尔亚洲最大的芯片封装测试基地在四川。The annual total business income of 13 leading software vendors in Sichuan, such as Microsoft, Oracle, SPA  has succeeded RMB 100 billion Yuan. 50% of the world's Apple tablet computer are produced in Sichuan,  Intels largest chip testing and packaging base in Asia is also located in Sichuan.  洛杉矶是美国与亚洲最大的进出口商贸中心,聚集了全美顶级大企业,四川与洛杉矶在吸引资本上具有一致的开放性。LA, as the largest trade center for export and import in the U.S. and Asia, gathers most of the top enterprises in the U.S. and therefore is in alignment with Sichuan in attracting world capital.

       从科技人才创新看,四川是西部的科技、教育大省。Sichuan also tops western China in science and technology, and education. ‖中国唯一的科技城坐落于四川绵阳,全省有中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士59人,国家和省部级重点实验室170个,国家和省级工程技术中心136个,  Chinas only city of science and technology is located in Mianyang, Sichuan; 59 academicians from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Engineering, 170 national and provincial and ministerial key laboratories, 136 national and provincial center of engineering and technology gather in Sichuan. 普通高校107所,每年高校毕业生32万人,丰富的科教资源为全球人才来四川发展提供了丰富的智力辅助资源和高技能工人。the 107 colleges and universities, college graduates every year 320000 people, rich knowledge resources provide abundant resources intelligence aided and high skilled workers to Sichuan global talent development. " 洛杉矶聚集了全美最多的科学家和工程技术研发人员,加州大学洛杉矶分校、南加州大学等一大批世界级学府也坐落于此,四川与洛杉矶在拥抱人才、鼓励创新上具有一致的积极性。LA tops the number of scientists and R&D personnel in engineering and technology in the U.S. UCLA, University of Southern California and a large number of other world-class universities are also located in LA. Sichuan and LA share the enthusiasm in embracing the talents and encouraging innovation.

各位嘉宾、各位朋友!Ladies and gentlemen,

知识创新正在成为世界经济增长的主要动力,中国国家主席习近平说,创新驱动的本质就是人才驱动,我们要择天下英才而用之,在座的各位精英人才正是四川加快发展亟需的稀缺资源。As knowledge innovation is becoming the major impetus of the growth of world economy, Xi Jinping, president of China, said that innovation is actually driven by talents. Everybody here at present is the elite we are eager for. ‖  2009年,四川作出了引进海外高层次人才的重大决策,5年来支持引进332名海内外高端人才及23个顶尖创新创业团队,其中144人入选国家千人计划,入选数居西部第一;In 2009, the government of Sichuan has made a strategic decision to attract high-level talents from abroad. In the last 5 years, we have ushered 332 high-level talents and 23 overseas outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship teams to Sichuan from home and abroad, among which 144 person were selected to the “Thousand Talents Plan” of China, and this number tops Western China.

      全省留学回国人员数量每年呈40%以上递增,目前已达到5.5万人。The number of overseas scholars working in Sichuan is growing at the speed of 40% and reaches a total of 55 thousand.‖

        四川省千人计划专家姜长安博士,来自加州大学洛杉矶分校,Doctor Chang’an Jiang, an expert out of Sichuan “Thousand Talents Plan”, is from UCLA. ‖   2007年回国任四川大学华西医学院博士生导师,从事生物医学研究,并于2010年创办成都灵动生物技术有限公司,公司去年销售额已突破2000万元。In 2007, he came back to China studying biomedicine as a doctoral supervisor in West China School of Medicine, S.U.  In 2007, he founded the Chengdu Smart Biotechnology Co. Ltd, the sale of which reached 20 million last year. ‖   曾经在硅谷创业的国家千人计划专家彭泽忠博士,2001年在四川绵阳创办了凯路威电子有限公司,真正的从起步,通过政府给予的研发、孵化、产业化支持,现在已成为年销售额超过5000万元的X-RFID芯片制造企业。Doctor Zezhong Peng, an expert of China “Thousand Talents Plan”, founded Kai Luwei Electronics Co. Ltd almost out of nothing. Supported by the government in research, hatch and industrialization, his company has become a X-RFID-chip manufacturer with 50 million annual sale.  海外人才正在为四川发展作出巨大贡献。Overseas talents are making great contribution to Sichuan nowadays.

     今年我们又实施了四川省海内外高层次人才引进千人计划,计划用五年时间再引进1000名高端人才和100个创新创业团队。This year we’ve started to implement the provincial “Thousand Talents Plan” again, planning to recruit 1000 high-level talents and 100 overseas outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship teams in five years.‖

今天,我们带着打造四川硅谷的热情和期盼,在这里向与会嘉宾和朋友们发出邀请,如果你选择在四川创新创业,我们在此承诺:对海外人才给予最大扶持。Today, with the enthusiasm and longing for building a Sichuan silicon valley, I extend our invitation to all the guests and friends here and guarantee to offer you the best support we could if you could start a business in Sichuan.   今年省本级财政用于高层次人才引进奖励和培养的资金预算达2亿元人民币,全省人才发展专项资金总额超过6亿元。This year, the financial department of Sichuan province has put a budget of RMB 200 million Yuan to encourage high level talents, and the total amount of funds dedicated for talents development is over RMB 600 million Yuan.‖ 对入选省计划的引进人才,给予最高每人100万元的资助,对团队给予最高500万元的一次性资助。A financial aids of RMB 1 million will be granted to the talent selected into the provincial plan, the maximum total shall be RMB 5 million Yuan to teams selected. ‖  对于创办企业的人才,提供不低于100万元创业启动资金和最高500万元的贷款贴息,对市场前景好、技术潜力大的团队,可给予滚动支持。For those to start a business, a start-up fund no less than 1 million shall be granted an interest subsidy loan of RMB 5 million Yuan at maximum. ‖  如果能同时获得国家、省、市和区(县)四级人才政策支持,共可获得不少于1400万元的一次性资助。For those supported by the national, provincial, Municipal and district(or county)government at the same time, the total funding amount shall be no less than RMB 14 million Yuan. ‖

对海外人才实行最特殊的优待。First, offer favorable treatment to overseas talents.‖ 在出入境与居留、资助、任职、薪酬、创新创业、税收、医疗保险、住房、配偶安置、子女入学、评价激励、表彰等方面,制定了一系列特殊政策规定,为海外人才来川搭建起绿色通道。And To build a green passage for the overseas talents, a series of favorable policies have been laid in exit and entry, residence, subsidies, occupation, salary, innovation and starting a business, tax, medical insurance, housing, spouse settlement, education, evaluation encouragement and commendation.‖   比如在融资方面,成都高新区设立创业天使投资基金,最高可给予每个项目200万元的天使投资, Taking financing as an example, Chengdu Gaoxin district has set up Angle investment fund, which can grant RMB 20 million Yuan at maximum to each project.‖ 我们目前也正在积极筹备组建四川省创投基金,实行政府创业投资引导资金风险投资基金股权投资基金接力扶持链条;At present, we are preparing to form Sichuan Venture Capital Fund, and create a supporting chain of “government venture guiding capital fund— venture capital fund —private equity”     在税收方面,四川对国家鼓励类产业企业减按15%的税率征收,比中国东部地区还低,对于投资国家重点扶持的环境保护、节能节水等项目,前3年可免征企业所得税;In the taxation, the industrials encouraged by the state shall enjoy a tax at 15% discount in Sichuan province, which is lower than that in the eastern China.  For environment-protecting, energy and water saving projects, the enterprise income tax shall be exempted in the first 3 years, ‖  在荣誉激励上,我们设立了优秀留学回国人员奖和四川金顶奖,专门用于表彰海外高层次引进人才。In honor encouragement, we have set up the Prize for Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholars and Sichuan Jinding Prize to commend the high-level overseas talents.

对海外人才实行最贴心服务。Second, offer warmhearted service to overseas talents. ‖  我们不仅着眼于引进,还将对人才进行跟踪培养,凡入选我省高层次人才培养计划,还将获得每人最高100万元的培养资助资金。We attach importance not only to talents recruitment, but also their afterward training. Whoever is selected into the high-level talents training plan shall be aided a fund of RMB 10 million Yuan at maximum.‖  我们组建了四川省千人计划专家联谊会,积极为海外高层次人才提供交流合作平台。We have established an expert association of “ thousands of people program” in Sichuan province for better communication and cooperation among overseas talents.‖  我们建立了社会保险、休假疗养等方面一体化保障体系,设立了多所针对在川外籍人士子女教育的国际学校和幼儿园。 We also have established an integrated welfare system in such aspects as social insurance, convalescent leave etc. Many international schools and kindergartens have been founded dedicated for the children of overseas talents in Sichuan. ‖  (如美视成都国际学校<MIS>,是西部第一所从小学到高中12年一贯制寄宿式学校;成都国际学校<CDIS>,是目前四川省境内规模最大、招收外籍学生最多的一所国际学校,提供从幼儿园到高中的全程教育服务),(For example, Meishi International School is the first compound boarding school of 12-grade system; CDIS is an international school with the large population of foreign students in Sichuan, offering a full-service education from kindergarten to senior high school.     还专设了国际医院(四川大学华西临床医学院、成都市第三人民医院特需医疗部、四川省人民医院金卡医疗部等多家涉外医院),海外引进人才及家属还可享受特约医疗待遇。Moreover, we have established international hospitals such as West China Clinical Medical College of Sichuan University, the special medical department in No 3 People's Hospital of Chengdu, VIP Medical Department in People's Hospital of Sichuan Province. ‖   我们积极服务人才创新创业,在全省高新技术产业园区和各类专业园区都建立了专门服务机构,实行一对一服务机制,并为高层次人才创业提供孵化、公共秘书、投融资、市场推广等一站式服务。In addition, we have formed special service institutions in high-tech industrial parks and other industrial parks in the whole province. We implement one to one service mechanism, and offer one stop service with hatch, secretary of public relationship, investment and financing, marketing etc. for high-level talents.‖

各位嘉宾、各朋友!Ladies and gentlemen,‖

美丽的四川、创新的四川正以开放、包容的品格迎接四方之才。Beautiful and innovative Sichuan is embracing talents from all around the world.‖  我们真诚邀请各位朋友与我们携手并肩,融入到四川发展的洪流中,共享财富成功,共创美好明天!Sincerely, we invite everyone of you to join us in the development of Sichuan, and share the wealth and success we create!

  谢谢大家!Thank you.


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