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中国水产科学研究院首席科学家招聘公告(12/1 报名截止)
中国水产科学研究院首席科学家招聘公告(12/1 报名截止)
2014/11/18 0:31:33 | 浏览:2437 | 评论:0

中国水产科学研究院首席科学家招聘公告(12/1 报名截止)

CAFS Chief Scientist Recruitment Announcement
















  联系人:赵鹏飞 穆迎春


  传 真:86-10-68673926  68676685

  E-mail:zhaopf@cafs.ac.cn  muyc@cafs.ac.cn

  To meet the demand of national agricultural and fisheries

reconstructing and fisheries development, Chinese Academy of

 Fishery Sciences(CAFS)has implemented subject strategic

reorganization to realize overall scientific and technological

advantages integration, strengthen building of key disciplines

and greatly improve high-tech innovation since 2002. After the reorganization, all the

key disciplines(research fields)implement chief scientist

responsibility system. According to different disciplines,

each discipline(research field)sets up positions, recruiting

chief scientists from home and abroad. The announcement of

 chief scientists is for Chinese and foreign elites.

  CAFS sincerely welcomes you to join us.

  I. Key Disciplines(Research Fields)

  Experts specify in the following ten fields are needed:Fisheries

 Resources Conservation and Utilization, Ecological Environment

 Assessment and Protection, Biotechnology Application,

Genetics & Breeding, Disease Control, Aquaculture Technology,

 Processing and Product Resource Utilization Technology, Aquatic

 Product Quality and Safety, Fishery Equipment and Engineering,

 Fisheries Information & Development Strategy

  II. Requirements

  The candidate has to have important influence in Chinese and

international academic circles, and has made sound achievements

 in the recent 10 years, with the following capacities:●With

Rigorous style of study. With good academic integrity and team

spirit, sense of dedication;●With sound academic backgrounds,

great multi-disciplinary academic attainments and good innovation.●

Familiar with discipline trend at home and abroad in your own field.

Grasp the direction of cutting-edge disciplinary research on the long run, have innovative

strategic thinking;●With first line science and research work

experience. With important influence in academic circles and

outstanding research activities.●With capability of carrying out

 frontier research, made high level innovative achievements

in your own discipline●With capability of continuous cultivating

 talents, leading an innovative team and  communicating

cooperatively;●With research(professor)title or doctorial degree;

Mastering a foreign language, with ability of carrying out

international academic exchange activities independently;

●First appointment of age should not exceed statutory retirement

 age from one recruitment timespan(4 years)with qualified

 health condition.

  In compliance with the above conditions, one of the following

is preferred:●The national “one thousand people plan”candidates;

●Winners of National Outstanding Youth Science foundation;

●the national “ ten thousand people plan” leading talents,

“ hundred, thousand ,ten thousand talents projects” national

 candidate;●“Yangtze River Scholar”Distinguished Professor,

Visiting Professor; Winner of Chinese Agriculture Excellence

Award●Not more than 50 years of age.

  III. Recruitment Scope

  National-wide and overseas, including CAFS scientists

  IV. Welfare Benefits

  For full-time candidate:●Annual income of chief scientists is no less than

 200,000 yuan RMB;●For the employed who lives out of the city

 where the Institute is located, offer an apartment no less than

100m2, or a certain amount of house purchase subsidies;●Offer

necessary research start-up fund, experimental conditions and assistants;●For employees

redeployed from other places, the employer institutes will provide

 assistance to handle the relevant procedures and the settle down

 of their families, and to assist the families to arrange suitable work.

  For part-time candidate:Benefits are decided through negotiations.

Temporary housing, necessary research set-up funds, experimental conditions and research assistance are


  V. Recruitment Procedures

  Please visit  for further information.

  VI. Deadline and Contact Information

  1. This announcement is long-term effective. The deadline of the application is until Dec. 1, 2014.

  2. Contact information:

  Contact persons:Mr. Zhao Pengfei, Ms. Mu Yingchun


  Fax:86-10-68673926  68676685

  Email:zhaopf@cafs.ac.cn  muyc@cafs.ac.cn

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