1. "意见稿首次明确了家庭暴力的范围,有恋爱、同居、前配偶等关系人员之间发生的暴力行为,并不属于家庭暴力范围。以上关系人员之间发生的暴力行为,与一般社会成员之间发生的暴力行为没有实质区别,由治安管理处罚法、刑法等法律调整。"
Please further exam the respective connotation of "domestic violence"
in English vs. "family violence" or "home violence" in Chinese;
Domicile means 住处, 寓所,居住地点; legally to mean that a person has intent
to reside a place for a duration; also to imply the end of public
domain and the start of individual's privacy, etc. Apparently,
有恋爱、同居等关系人员 to some degree fall into the category of privacy; not in
the public domain. This distinction is of importance because it
determines what is the limit a government power can reach, what is
the nature of event the tort law can be applied such as a physical
contact is implied permissible in a domestic relationship or legally
non-permissible in the public domain(i.e., battery or assault),...
We would wonder whether Chinese 国务院法制办 has consulted legal
scholars/experts of different specialties on the issue or not. A few
similar problems of legal non-inclusiveness have been made previously.
For example, "Driving under Influence"(DUI)in American law vs "醉驾“
in Chinese law, while "毒驾“ is within DUI, but not within 醉驾”!
For example, "Driving under Influence"(DUI)in American law vs "酒驾“! Is it possible to rename it as 《中华人民共和国反家庭和居所暴力法》or the similar?
2. "《草案》界定妇女、儿童、老人是家庭暴力的主要受害人。据2010年第三期“中国妇女社会地位调查”数据显示,在整个婚姻生活中遭受过来自配偶的不同形式的家庭暴力的女性占24.7%,农村妇女遭受各种家庭暴力的情况比城镇妇女更为严重。数据还显示,中国家庭中虐童的实际状况较严重,有33.5%的女童和52.9%的男童,近一年来遭受过父亲和母亲的体罚。而在针对65岁以上老年人群体的1万余份有效问卷调查结果显示,中国家庭内老年人虐待发生率为13.3%。这些数据表明,家庭暴力在中国的发生率是比较高的。
Based on my comment under Item 1, I am afraid that the true data of
domestic on the mainland of China should be much higher than what has
been estimated above.
Whenever a law is drafted, the general rule to follow is to consider a
balance between its over-breadth and its vagueness, whether it is a
least restrictive mean with its due impact to curb or encourage its
intended conduct. 一个社会的广大群体的“正能量”就是这样通过法制和道德的建设和恢复来逐步积累起来的。