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The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)
The 10th Xilin Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)
2015/2/20 23:52:55 | 浏览:1520 | 评论:0

Happy Lunar New Year! 

The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)

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  The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)
The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)


Xilin Proudly Presents the 10th Annual Lantern Festival!

Xilin's Lantern Festival special event began in 2006 with support from the SECA fund from the city of Naperville. Over the past nine years, Xilin Association, Xilin Performing Arts Academy, and the Xilin Chinese School dance programs have worked diligently to bring the best aspects of eastern culture to the Naperville community.

Our special guest artists this year will include the Professional Dance Company from HuaZhong University, and the Mongolia musician MengHeDaLai. The HuaZhong Dance Company will bring the beautifully choreographed Chinese ethnic dance to audiences. In addition, you will also experience the unique HuMai, the famous Mongolian ethnic songs, accompanied by the beautiful sound of the Mongolian Horse Head String Instrument.  

With each year, the Lantern Festival brings to life a piece of unique Chinese culture and history with brilliant costumes, vibrant music, and exciting dance. For the 10th anniversary, the Lantern Festival will send our audience through a marvelous adventure through Chinese culture. Come join us as we celebrate the Year of the Goat! 
The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)
The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19) The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)

Celebrating the New Year with our Seniors and Staff
The seniors of the Xilin Adult Daycare Service at the Naperville Center and the Arlington Heights Center has had a great time celebrating the Lunar New Year! As part of the New Year Festival, the seniors had the opportunity to wrap fresh dumplings, perform song and dance routines, and also had a chance to celebrate the New Year with a fabulous banquet!

The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19) The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19) The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)

The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)
The 10th Xilin  Annual Lantern Festival(4/19)
Are you able to work? 

Are you currently unemployed or retired and need to get back into the workforce? The Senior Community Service Employment Program(SCSEP)in partnership with Xilin Association can help you achieve your professional goals through employment assistance and training!

 The Senior Community Service Employment Program is an employment training program for individuals aged 55 years and better. The program provides participants 20 hours per week of on-the-job training opportunities which develop new and marketable job skills to help program participants re-enter the workforce. All program participants receive a subsidized hourly wage for training to help offset costs associated with travel to and from their training sites.

If you are interested in applying for the Able to Work SCSEP program with Xilin, please contact William Wu at 630-355-4322 x104

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