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南加大美中学院 & 上海南加州大学校友会: Millennial Minds(3/28)
南加大美中学院 & 上海南加州大学校友会: Millennial Minds(3/28)
2015/3/17 7:36:33 | 浏览:2736 | 评论:0
南加大美中学院 & 上海南加州大学校友会: Millennial Minds(3/28)
Dear Zhenying:   
There are 316 million people in China between the ages of 15 and 30. In the United States there are 66 million. In what ways are they similar? How do they differ?
We hope you can join us in Shanghai on Friday, April 3 as we explore the aims and concerns of this large and important generation.  

南加大美中学院 & 上海南加州大学校友会: Millennial Minds(3/28)

What's on the minds of millennials in China and America? What are their hopes and worries? At this symposium, we'll be exploring the aspirations of young Chinese and Americans with regard to school, work, romance, and life. What are their attitudes toward gender and generational roles? What obligations do they feel towards their own dreams, toward their families, their friends, their employers, and their communities? What does how they spend their time and money signal about their priorities? 

Please join us to hear from and talk with leading researchers, businesspeople and journalists about these and other questions. 

#MillennialMinds is organized by the
USC U.S.-China Institute 南加州大学美中学院 and co-sponsored by the
USC Alumni Club of Shanghai 上海的南加州大学校友会. 

Who should attend?
Anyone interested in gaining insights into the generation which is  already having a huge impact not only on China and the U.S. through their consumption, recreation, and work habits. Millennials and those who want to better understand them will all benefit from participating in the symposium.

Registration is required.
It includes admission to the symposium, refreshments, lunch, and a goodie bag. 

Register before March 28, 2015 for $50(300 元). Register after March 28 or at the door for $75(450 元). Click here to register through the secure Eventbrite website. 

When:Check-in/refreshments 8 am, program 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Friday, April 3, 2015

Where: Pudong Shangri-La Hotel 上海浦东香格里拉大酒店 
33 Fucheng Road 富城路33号 Pudong, Shanghai 上海浦东, 200120 
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