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Training School on qualitative theory of dynamical systems, tools and applications Urbino(Italy)
2015/3/21 0:56:29 | 浏览:2076 | 评论:0

Dear Colleague,

please find enclosed the announcement of the Training School on qualitative theory of dynamical systems, tools and applications, which will be held in Urbino(Italy)on 17-19 September, 2015. For all details, visit the school website at

For more information on the Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity and its activities please visit our website at http://www.sicc-it.org or feel free to contact us for any further information. The Society is active in promoting interdisciplinary research on Chaos and Complexity in Science, Engineering, Medicine and the Humanities. To suggest events, join the society, or for any other inquiry please visit our website or contact any member of the Executive Committee.

Best regards,

 Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity
e-mail info@sicc-it.org

Training School on qualitative theory of dynamical systems, tools and applications

Urbino(Italy)17-19 September, 2015

The training school is organized by the ISCH COST ACTION IS1104
project on "The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems:models, tools and policy evaluation"(http://www.gecomplexity-cost.eu)and Department DESP of Urbino University(Italy)

Aim and Scope the qualitative theory of dynamical systems, started by Poincaré on the early XX century and developed along the Fifties and Sixties by the Russian School of Andronov, in the last 40 years has been more and more applied to the description of the time evolution of economical and social systems.
These systems are intrinsically dynamic, characterized by interdependence, nonlinearity and complexity. These featured can only be approached by a qualitative analysis, based on the study of
invariant sets(equilibrium points, limit cycles and more complex attractors, together with the boundaries of their basins of attraction)which requires a trade-off between analytical, geometrical and numerical methods. Even if the early steps of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems have been in continuous time models, in economic and social modelling discrete time is often used, in order to describe event-driven(often decision-driven)evolving systems.
In this 3-day training school a basic introduction to the qualitative theory of dynamical systems will be given, both in continuous & discrete time, & some applications in economic & social problems, as well as some numerical tools, will be proposed.
The lectures will be only assuming a basic knowledge of calculus. However some indications and suggestions about more advanced topics will be given.
The ideal candidates for the Training School are doctoral students, master students, post-doctoral fellows, and researchers in economics or sociology, interested in the analysis of dynamical systems with particular reference to new economic geography and regional growth applications.

September 17, 2015
Pasquale Commendatore "Introducing COST Action IS1104: The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems:models, tools and policy evaluation"
Gian Italo Bischi "Introduction to the  qualitative theory of dynamical systems in continuous time"
Fabio Lamantia "Introduction to optimal control methods"

September 18, 2015
9:00-10:30 and 11:00-13:00
Gian Italo Bischi "Introduction to the qualitative theory of dynamical
systems in discrete time"

September 18, 2015
F. Tramontana:A dynamic model in economics
F. Lamantia:A dynamic model in resource modelling
A. Panchuck:Numerical methods and software tools

September 19, 2015
P. Commendatore and I. Kubin:Some dynamical models in regional economics
I. Sushko:Dynamic analysis of models in regional economics
A. Agliari:Dynamic analysis of an oligopoly model
U. Merlone: Dynamical models and evolutionary games in social systems

Anna Agliari http://docenti.unicatt.it/ita/<wbr />anna_agliari/
Gian Italo Bischi http://www.mdef.it/gian-italo-bischi
Pasquale  Commendatore https://www.docenti.unina.it/pasquale.commendatore
Fabio Lamantia http://fabiolamantia.altervista.org/index.html
Ugo  Merlone http://www.ugomerlone.net
Anastasiya Panchuck http://www.imath.kiev.ua/people/profile.php?pid=154&lang=en
Fabio Tramontana http://tramontana.altervista.org
Ingrid Kubin http://www.wu.ac.at/vw7/en/team/kubin
Iryna Sushko http://irynasushko.altervista.org

SICC - Societa' Italiana Caos e Complessita'
e-mail  info@sicc-it.org
Web     http://www.sicc-it.org

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