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昆山杜克大学王世本副院长 当选为IASAS副主席
昆山杜克大学王世本副院长 当选为IASAS副主席
2015/9/7 6:22:02 | 浏览:4282 | 评论:0

昆山杜克大学王世本副院长 当选为IASAS副主席

Dr. Wang Elected as IASAS Vice President

昆山杜克大学王世本副院长 当选为IASAS副主席

Dr. Howard Wang, associate dean for student life at Duke Kunshan University(DKU), has been elected as vice president for the International Association of Student Affairs and Services(IASAS), announced Robert Shea, president of IASAS, on Saturday, July 25th. In the same announcement, Achim auf der Meyer Heyde, secretary general of Deutsches Studentenwerk in Germany, will replace Robert Shea as the new IASAS president.

“Congratulations to Achim and Howard, ” said Roger Ludeman, IASAS president emeritus. “They will serve very well in the tradition of Prof. Shea who I thank personally for bringing IASAS to new levels of excellence. IASAS is ‘off and running!’”

In accepting his role as IASAS’ vice president, Dr. Wang said, “I will gladly serve IASAS to my best ability.  I will collaborate with all the other candidates who participated in this election and work with them as a team to raise IASAS to an even a higher level of international prominence.  They have been outstanding leaders in IASAS, nominated as part of the candidate pool, and I look forward to working with them and all of IASAS members.  I envision each and every IASAS member will serve as a change agent who could help promote universal access to education and especially higher education.  I see myself working closely with IASAS Regional Coordinators to facilitate open communication, and to encourage adaptation of global best practices in various student services and programs that promote learning and learning outcome assessment, knowledge application, personal enlightenment, as well as national development.”

Dr. Wang has been DKU’s associate dean for student life since 2014. He was one of the founding members of IASAS conceived at the Seattle NASPA Annual Conference in 2009.  He has been a long-time member of several U.S. national and international professional associations such as the Asia Pacific Student Services Association(APSSA), National Association of Student Personnel Administrators(NASPA), American College Personnel Association(ACPA), and the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International(ACUHO-I).

昆山杜克大学王世本副院长 当选为IASAS副主席


 昆山杜克大学王世本副院长 当选为IASAS副主席

IASAS, the International Association of Student Affairs and Services, is a worldwide association of University professionals working in the area of ​​student services. IASAS has more than 1200 individual and institutional members representing 75 countries on five continents. IASAS was born from the need to consolidate the knowledge and professionalism of the student affairs staff who work to provide students with residential services, study support, sport and cultural activities that create the optimal conditions for the university life and help develop the potential of each student. Since 2013 IASAS has been based in Brussels, as a legally recognized entity under Belgian law.

Launched in June 2015, this new website offers IASAS members improved opportunities to share ideas, information and good practice with other members via our discussion groups and web messaging options. Find out more about the benefits of joining by following the link on the right.

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