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Top 6 Good Email Practices
Top 6 Good Email Practices
作者:M.B. | 2015/9/14 2:41:28 | 浏览:2175 | 评论:0

#1). Prevent Virus Outbreaks and SPAM.

Viruses are often spread through e-mail.  Opening e-mail only from trusted sources, opening only attachments, or clicking on links you are expecting.

SPAM is loosely defined as unsolicited bulk e-mail and loosely correlates to the junk mail that turns up in your mailbox.  But SPAM represents more than unwanted clutter.  It clogs e-mail accounts – and network and servers – while trying to sell products, spread jokes, or propagate Internet hoaxes.

Reduce the amount of spam you receive by being cautious where you post your e-mail address. Avoid publishing your e-mail address on Web sites or submitting it to every site or organization that requests it.

Never forward chain messages, which often reveal coworkers' and colleagues' e-mail addresses to other parties. Use caution when accepting e-mail offers or agreeing to accept mailings from vendors; subscribe only to Web sites and newsletters you really need.

Don't open unsolicited e-mail. If you accidentally open spam, don't click links offering to unsubscribe or remove you from the mailing list unless the sender is a trusted vendor.

#2). Avoid phishing attacks.

Phishing scams are designed to steal consumers' personal information. They often use doctored and fraudulent e-mail messages to trick recipients into divulging private information, such as credit card numbers, account usernames, passwords, and even social security numbers.

You should always be careful about divulging personal and corporate information over the Internet. Phishing messages often boast real logos and appear to have come from the actual organization, but those messages are frequently nothing more than copyright infringements and faked addresses. If you suspect a message possesses any credibility, you are much safer calling the company directly—preferably at a telephone number printed on a paper statement or invoice—and talking to an authorized representative.

#3). Obey etiquette rules when forwarding messages.

Before you forward an e-mail, make sure that all recipients need to receive the message. In addition, be careful when forwarding sensitive or confidential information. Never forward proprietary information to external audiences or to unauthorized recipients. Before clicking the Send button, review whether a message's contents are appropriate for each listed recipient.

#4). Protect e-mail addresses.

Don't divulge your coworkers' e-mail addresses to vendors, friends, or others outside the organization. Verify that recipients listed in the To and CC fields should be receiving messages and that you won't be revealing others' e-mail addresses in the process.

#5). Be smart about handling attachments.

E-mail attachments consume inordinate amounts of e-mail server space and network bandwidth and are often the culprits behind virus outbreaks—but they're often the easiest way to transfer files. Just be sure to follow these guidelines when e-mailing attachments:

·         Don’t attach large files to an e-mail; anything over one or two megabytes shouldn’t be sent via e-mail.

·         Limit the number of files you attach to a message to five or fewer.

·         Don’t open unexpected attachments or those sent by unknown parties.

#6). Don’t include sensitive or potentially embarrassing information.

Don't make the mistake of thinking your e-mails are private. They're not. Think of them as postcards. You should never include any information in an e-mail that you wouldn't want published on the front page of your local newspaper. In other words, never send confidential, proprietary, sensitive, personal, or classified information through e-mail. 

Top 6 Good Email Practices

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