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诚邀参加第三届电子科技大学国际青年学者论坛 (11/30)
诚邀参加第三届电子科技大学国际青年学者论坛 (11/30)
2015/10/7 6:38:32 | 浏览:1682 | 评论:0

诚邀参加第三届电子科技大学国际青年学者论坛 (11/30)

Warmly Welcome to the Third UESTC International Forum for Young Scholars

1. Introduction
UESTC International Forum for Young Scholars(UESTC Forum)aims at gathering outstanding scholars all over the world to Chengdu—the Land of Abundance, and enhancing the interaction and cooperation between prominent young scholars with interdisciplinary backgrounds.

时间安排/Forum Agenda
2015年11月29日 报到
2015年11月30日 主题论坛:特邀嘉宾做报告
2015年12月 论坛月:分领域交流
Nov. 29, 2015 Registration
Nov. 30, 2015 Opening Ceremony and Invited Speech
December, 2015 Sub-Forum in different fields

Young Scholars are warmly welcomed to the Opening Ceremony and Invited Speech on Nov. 30, 2015. However, you can also choose 2-3 days in the whole December to attend sub-forum in different fields. Please tell us whether you can attend the Opening Ceremony and your intention school or fields in remarks.

2. About Us
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC for short)is one of the first 211 Project and 985 Project universities, and also, the only electronic information–oriented university. It is the first university in China with all the sub-disciplines of the two disciplines—electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering—being national key disciplines.

In the 2012 national evaluation of disciplines, five disciplines of the university were ranked within top ten, in which the discipline of electronic science and technology was ranked first, and information and communication engineering second. In the 2014 USNEWS Best Global Universities Rankings, discipline of engineering was ranked 91, and computer science 95. Disciplines of engineering, material science, physics and computer science are listed in the top 1% of ESI. Ten scholars were selected into 2014 Most Cited Chinese Researchers of Elsevier.

Recently, the School of Medicine has been co-founded with Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital. Besides, UESTC established the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, to promote the development of basic research disciplines such as physics, mathematics and so on. The university has developed into a key multidisciplinary research-oriented university with electronic science and technology being its nucleus and featured with the harmonious integration of science, engineering, management and liberal arts.

学校高度重视人才工作,引进和培养了一批在国际学术界享受盛誉的杰出学者,现有院士7人,IEEE Fellow 14人,“千人计划”入选者74人(含“青年千人计划”入选者29人),长江学者26人。
UESTC highly values the development of talents, and has brought in and cultivated a galaxy of leading people in the international academia. The university is clustered by 7 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 14 IEEE Fellows, 74 selected professors of the Thousand Talents Plan(29 among which are selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals), and 26 Yangtze River Scholars.

Chengdu is the southwest China's three centers and two hubs identified by the State Council—science and technology center, business center, financial center, and transportation and communication hubs. In the first half of this year, the GDP of Chengdu exceeded 513.6 billion Yuan with the year-on-year growth of more than 8 percent. More than 268 companies of the Fortune 500 have settled in Chengdu with the number ranking first among Midwest cities in China. The United States, German, Australia and other nine countries have set up their consulates in Chengdu. Also, there are more than 80 international non-stop routes connecting Chengdu to cities including San Francisco, London, Melbourne, Moscow and Abu Dhabi, etc.

As an important hub of Yangtze River Economic Zone, Chengdu is embracing new opportunities in "the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road" initiative. In the near future, Chengdu will provide more platforms and chances for talents' bringing in and going out.

3. Basic Qualifications(Meet one of the following two)
1) Selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professional or National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, or gainers of Excellent Young Scientists Fund or Top 100 Reward of the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation

2) Outstanding young scholars under the age of 40, shall possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious universities at home and abroad, have at least three years’ work experience abroad, and hold formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises.

4. Application
发送报名表及个人简历至 uestc-hr@hotmail.com
Please send the application form attached and your CV to uestc-hr@hotmail.com

Date Due:Nov 1st, 2015

5. Travel Reimbursement and Accommodation
Accommodation is free. Please book you flights after you receive our invitation. The host will provide the reimbursement of travel expenses(highest RMB 10,000 yuan per person for overseas scholars, while 5,000 yuan for domestic scholars).

6. Contact Us
电子科技大学成电学者联谊会办公室 官方微信

Office of UESTC Scholars Association 
Contact:Xi CHEN 

It is really appreciated if you can recommend this forum to other young scholars.

报名表下载地址/Application Form

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