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2015/11/4 0:45:03 | 浏览:2296 | 评论:0


一年一度的美国秋冬假日季节来临,为了给我们的秋冬假日增添节日气氛,希林联合中文学校拟将组织芝加哥地区的青少年数学竞赛活动。俗话说:"学会数理化,走遍天下都不怕"。可见数理化在中国父母心中的重要地位。为普及青少年数学教育,激发青少年的数学学习兴趣,赛事将即时邀请资深望重的数学老师出题和参予评判,将体现"公平、公正、公开"的原则,组织严密、内涵丰富。对竞赛获胜者,除了有奖品和奖状外,他/她还将优先得到希林联合中文学校下的所有学校提供的数学TA的机会。欢迎芝加哥地区的喜爱数学的青少年前来比试, 大显身手. 此次比赛前三名获奖者将在本地报纸上公布.


1. 高中数学比赛 1-25(竞赛时间75 minutes

考题类似于AMC类型, 只 限 12年 级 及以 下 学生参加

This is a 25-question, multiple choice test. Each question is followed by answers marked A, B, C, D and E. Only one of these is correct.

SCORING: You will receive 6 points for each correct answer, 1.5 points for each problem left unanswered, and 0 points for each incorrect answer. No aids are permitted other than scratch paper, graph paper, ruler, compass, protractor, and erasers. No calculators are allowed. No problems on the test will require the use of a calculator.

2. 初中数学比赛竞赛时间70 minutes, see 2.a &2.b )

考题类似于Mathcounts类型, 只 限 8年 级及 以 下 学生参加

2.a Sprint Round Problem 1-30(竞赛时间40 minutes)

This section of the competition consists of 30 problems. You will have 40 minutes to complete all of the problems. You are not allowed to use calculators, books or other aids during this round. If you are wearing a calculator wrist watch, please give it to your proctor now. Calculations may be done on scratch paper. All answers must be complete, legible and simplified to lowest terms. Record only final answers in the blanks in the left-hand column of the competition booklet.

SCORING:You will receive 1 points for each correct answer, 0 points for each problem left unanswered, and 0 points for each incorrect answer.

2.b Target Round Problem 1-8(竞赛时间 4*6 minutes)

This section of the competition consists of eight problems, which will be presented in pairs. Work on one pair of problems will be completed and answers will be collected before the next pair is distributed. The time limit for each pair of problems is six minutes. This round assumes the use of calculators, and calculations also may be done on scratch paper, but no other aids are allowed. All answers must be complete, legible and simplified to lowest terms. Record only final answers in the blanks in the left-hand column of the problem sheets.

SCORING:You will receive 2 points for each correct answer, 0 points for each problem left unanswered, and 0 points for each incorrect answer.

3. 扑克牌速算游戏(只限5年级以下学生参加)


规则每赛组4,参赛者抽取组号组成初赛组, 以得牌最多者为本组胜者, /她可进入下一轮的比赛;以此类推, 直到决出前三名.


1. 高中数学比赛时间:12/5/2015(Sat.)10:00-11:15

2. 初中数学比赛时间12/5/2015(Sat.)16:10-17:20

3. 扑克牌速算游戏(加减乘除=24:12/5/2015(Sat.)12:30开始


凡是12年级及以下的学生都可按以上各赛项要求报名参赛。 报名费:$5/人。请填写报名表e-mail to:chineseschool@xilin.org . you might find register form at:xilinchineseschool.org


四. 比赛奖品

以上各赛项设一、二、三等奖各一名 (奖金:$100$50 , $20); 所有参赛的学生都有纪念奖


希林中文学校1163 E. Ogden Ave, Suite 301, Naperville IL 60563

六. 比赛由希林联合中文学校组织 :

希林中文学校(Xilin Chinese School)

希林芝北中文学校(Xilin North Shore Chinese School)

希林UIC中文学校(Xilin UIC Chinese School)

希林西北中文学校(XilinNorthWest Chinese School)

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