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2015/12/1 15:45:29 | 浏览:1773 | 评论:0

深圳驻北美经贸代表处 NAROS 简报

                    |                     Dec 1st, 2015



China Hi-Tech Fair 2015 Concluded with a Successful Ending



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SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 23, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The China Hi-Tech Fair(CHTF)2015, which closed in Shenzhen on November 21. It lasted for 6 days which achieved a great success. The fair attracted more than 128 delegations from 28 countries and regions and roughly 3,686 exhibitors, who brought at least 16,825 projects and many of them made their global debuts.

With the theme of "Innovative Entrepreneurship, Cross-border Integration", CHTF 2015 was highlighting technological innovation and it showcased the latest innovation-driven developments and achievements. It emphasized the showcase of IT products, "Internet plus", markers, energy conversation, environmental protection, new generation of information technologies, biology and new energies. There was a crowd of eye-popping parts of CHTF 2015, such as "Green House", which was one of the highlights at the Green Building Exhibition Area, they were simulating live-action at the exhibits and the application of the latest products in the green building exhibition area; Tencent and Baidu, which are leading Internet companies, displayed their "Internet plus" solution; the dancing robot called Alpha. CHTF2015 set up a branch for unmanned vehicle system which is located at Shenzhen University Center, divided into static display and flight performance, it attracted a mass of visitors. Moreover, the 2015 China Hi-Tech Forum was also following the trend of technology development and international cooperation. The goal to boost open innovation in a greater range and to reach a higher level, widely considered as China's largest and most influential high-tech event.


Source: PRNewswire

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Sun Yat-sen University and Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government sign strategic cooperation agreement to jointly build world-class university


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On November 3, 2015, the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement between Sun Yat-sen University(SYSU)and Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government to jointly build world-class university was held in Zhudao Guest House in Guangzhou. A new campus of SYSU will be built in Shenzhen in accordance with the standard of world-class university. 


Source:Sun Yat-sen University 

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Shenzhen’s debut One Love festival brings 60 DJs to city


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Dance music followers from across southern China will descend on Shenzhen this weekend for the region’s first festival devoted to the sound.


The debut One Love festival will present more than 60 DJs from China and overseas on three stages, playing a range of styles such as house, techno and drum ’n’ bass. The event, which runs non-stop from Friday to Sunday night, is taking place in iD Town, a former factory district 40 kilometres east of the Lowu border crossing that has been redeveloped into an arts and cultural venue.


One Love is being co-organised by The Real Deal, a collective of event promoters who have earned a reputation for organising pop-up dance music events in Shenzhen in unusual locations such as beneath flyovers and in abandoned buildings.


Source:South China Morning Post

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PAFC Concert of the Wind Resonates with the Sounds of Nature

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SHENZHEN, China, Oct. 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Ping An Finance Center(PAFC)in Shenzhen will join hands with Nexus, a world-renowned art team from Britain, to create the world’s first upper air wind music art interactive installation. The pure sounds they record will be co-expressed by famous lighting art director Etienne Schwarcz from Europe and Chinese musician Wang Cong, presenting a unique “Concert of the Wind” on the global opening day of the project — a natural miracle that blends technology, art and commercial construction.



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KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten wins competition to design Shenzhen Art Museum and Library

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German studio KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten's glass-covered design for the Shenzhen Art Museum and Library complex in China beat proposals from a number of star architects.


The practice winning-design was selected from a shortlist that included schemes by high-profile architecture firms including Steven Holl Architects, Mecanoo, and OMA.


The design features a pair of glass-encased cubic structures that house a museum, library and underground archive, arranged around a public plaza.


Source:dezeen magazine

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HSBC to Form Joint-Venture Securities Company in China


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HONG KONG— HSBC Holdings PLC said Monday it has entered into an agreement to establish a majority-owned joint-venture securities company to be based in Shenzhen, China, as it builds out its business and sets up a model other banks may try to emulate in that country.


The agreement with the Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Holdings Co. Ltd., a state-owned financial-holding company, is believed to be the first joint venture of its kind under an arrangement between Hong Kong and mainland China designed to encourage trade and economic cooperation.


Source:The Wall Street Journal

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Why Shenzhen market will gain more support from hi-tech plays


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The fifth plenum of the Chinese Communist Party’s 18th Central Committee concluded on Thursday, with the key announcement being the abandonment of the decades-old one-child policy.


Apart from the relaxation of family planning laws, leaders also outlined fresh initiatives to help make China an internet power and implementing Internet Plus and Big Data strategies.


The two policy moves should give a boost to share prices of baby food plays and internet technology firms.


The CPC plenum has highlighted Internet Plus and Big Data strategies. As many firms related to those activities are listed on the Growth Enterprise Board in Shenzhen, the prospects for the Shenzhen bourse look good.


In recent weeks, the Shenzhen market has already shown signs of outperforming Shanghai.



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World's Fastest Scanner Finally Makes the Paperless Office a Reality


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SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- A young Chinese entrepreneur has invented the world's fastest scanner(according to Forbes).  It's about to hit the market thanks to thousands of backers on Indiegogo. Turn a page, hit a button and it's instantly in your iPhone, computer, and the cloud.  The dream of a paperless office or a paperless library archive; for decades challenged by technology and sticker shock - is now a reality.  An average book can be scanned in less than 5 minutes.


Source: PRNewswire

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In Shenzhen, Tracking the Early Steps of China’s Carbon Pivot


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SHENZHEN, China – To some extent, the contemporary industrial age is a global narrative of substance abuse and recovery.


As part of the Wilson Center and Circle of Blue’s Global Choke Point project, Choke Point:Port Cities will examine how Oakland, California, and Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, are responding to interlinked water, energy, and pollution challenges. These multimedia reports are meant to inform exchanges and convenings in 2016 to share among leaders of both cities and others like them around the Pacific Rim.


Source:News Security Beat

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