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The 1st Innovation Competition of International Talents(3/27 Silicon Valley)
The 1st Innovation Competition of International Talents(3/27 Silicon Valley)
2016/3/18 12:46:15 | 浏览:2055 | 评论:0


 The 1st Innovation Competition of International   Talents - Shenzhen, China(Silicon Valley)

Open for Registration now!


The 1st Innovation Competition of International Talents(3/27 Silicon Valley)

Sign up for the 1st Innovation Competition of International Talents(Silicon Valley)on March 27th, 2016!


The competition, held by Shenzhen Municipal Government, is the first of its kind in Shenzhen. 


The topics covered include Internet and mobile Internet, electronic science and technology, biotech and life science, advanced manufacturing, and new material and clean technology.


With the selected innovative projects covering a wide range of topics, the talented startup founders presenting their outstanding products, the professionals with profound impact and in-depth knowledge in the high tech industry, the 1st Innovation Competition of International

Talents(Silicon Valley)is expected to showcase some of the most innovative projects of the year, to unveil the most important trends at the core of high tech and innovation, and to make a huge impact on the innovation industry.


The 1st Innovation Competition of International Talents(3/27 Silicon Valley)

The Competition will launch station competitions in five locations:Sydney of Australia, Munich of Germany, Tel Aviv of Israel and Silicon Valley of the U.S.(in alphabetical order by the first letter of country names in English). It’s open to all overseas high-level talents, regardless of their nationality. All of them are welcome. 
Targeting at international high-level talents and aiming to select excellent talents with strong ability in innovation, advanced technology and management ability, outstanding advantages, distinctive characteristics of high-end leadership, and strong impetus ability for basic innovation, the Competition is expected to promote talents and projects to settle down in Shenzhen(Not require), trigger local industrial transition and upgrading, and to help the city secure a leading position in emerging industry development.
Market Orientation
Social resources will be incorporated under the leadership and guidance of the Shenzhen Municipal Government. A market-based mode will be adopted. Professional service providers will be engaged to improve the professional level of the Competition. Industry experts, human resource service and venture capital organizations will be invited for review. Human resource and venture capital engagement platforms will be set up to improve the efficiency of resource allocation in the market.


Opening Remark & Keynote by Junming Wang
Keynote by Xinxin Fu
13:50 – 15:05
Startup Demo 1-5 
15:05 – 15:35
Panel Discussion:Paving the Way into Overseas Market from Shenzhen
Patrick Duan, VP of Operations, BYD Motors Inc.
Changhong Xu, Global SVP, LETV
US Head, Seeed Studio
US Head, Royole
15:35 – 16:50
Startup Demo 6-10
16:50 – 17:05
Keynote by Jack J. McCauley
17:05 – 17:35
Panel Discussion:
How to Build Up the Next Silicon Valley
Jack J. McCauley, Founder, OculusVR & McCauley Labs
Soujanya BhumkarB, VP, Yahoo
Ben Bateman, Director, Indiegogo
Amir Panush, Sr. Director, Invensense
17:35 – 17:45
Signing Ceremony
17:45 – 18:00
Awarding Ceremony
18:00 – 21:00
VIP Banquet


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