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2016華夢全美匯演 (10/9 阿凱迪亞表演藝術中心)
2016華夢全美匯演 (10/9 阿凱迪亞表演藝術中心)
2016/9/24 6:05:12 | 浏览:2521 | 评论:2

2016華夢全美匯演 (10/9 阿凱迪亞表演藝術中心)

2016 C Dream Program Annual Performance 

Sunday, October 9th, 2016, 2:30PM 週日 2016年10月9日 下午2:30

Arcadia Performing Arts Center(APAC)阿凱迪亞表演藝術中心

188 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007

Directed by Yu Lei with Shanghai Opera House, this show presents the best of C Dream 2016, featuring Chinese dance repertoires and Peking Opera classics in full costumes, performed by young artists from Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco and Houston. The performance also includes C Dream short videos and the graduation ceremony of the 2016 Classes. 由上海歌劇院雷雨執導的2016華夢全美匯演將由洛杉磯、西雅圖、舊金山和休斯頓的學員聯袂演出。節目薈萃中國舞精華和全彩妝京劇經典片段表演,同時包括華夢短片首映和結業典禮。

Award-winning dancers from the prestigious Beijing Dance Academy will take us to a fascinating cultural journey, inspired by ethnic Chinese dance and music of Tibetan, Korean, Mongolian styles and much more. This special performance highlights the stunning pieces awarded the top-notch Taoli Cup in China and international prizes in recent years. 北京舞蹈學院民族民间舞系特別為華夢組派了舞蹈團,將完美再現其国际获奖作品和桃李杯优秀节目,并引領觀眾穿行集漢、藏、蒙古、朝鮮、維吾爾、傣和佤族舞蹈和音樂精華為一堂的文化之旅。

Come enjoy the splendor of Chinese performing arts, and support the dreams of young Chinese Americans in the arts. 專業製作,僅此一場;機會難得,購票從速!

Ticket price/票價:$100(VIP), $40, $20

Purchase your tickets at the APAC box office 阿凱迪亞表演藝術中心售票處:626.821.1781.

Additional ticket sales venues/其它售票點:

(羅蘭崗)長青書局 (Rowland Heights) Enlighten Bookstore  626.675.6527 

(圣蓋博)長青書局(San Gabriel)Evergreen Books       626.572.4540

(蒙市)  長青書局(Monterey Park)Global Art and Culture 626.281.3622

(阿凱迪亞)世界書局(Arcadia)New World Bookstore    626.446.1831

(阿罕布拉)僑報讀者之家(Alhambra)China Press Bookstore  626.281.8500

For questions or additional information, please contact/咨詢熱線:626.872.1145.

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