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中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川
中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川
来源:川画 | 2016/9/29 10:01:23 | 浏览:2976 | 评论:0


中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川


中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川


中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川

本次四川省全球推会现场,来自全球的88位大使,22位代办,2个国际组织代表,9位总领事,中国173个建交国里来了143个,116位中外记者,30名世界 500强高管,14家知名商协会参会。

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中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川


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中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川

中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川

中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川


The thirtieth parallel of the north latitude is renowned for splendid civilizations and unsolved natural mysteries. The Sichuan Basin, traversed by the latitude, is destined to be unique and alluring with its own brand of charm.

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厚重四川 Generous Sichuan:三星堆文明 距今5000 多年前,四川盆地就有一个挺拔独行辉煌发财的文明存在。被誉为“20 世纪人类最伟大的考古发现”的广汉“三星堆”遗址的面世,告诉人们,在这片斑斓而富裕的地盘上,有与黄河道域文化、恒河道域文化和幼发拉底河道域文明相提并论的三星堆文明。Over 5,000 years ago, a glorious and independent culture took root in the Sichuan Basin. The unearthing of the Sanxingdui Archaeological Site, reputed as the greatest archaeological discovery in the 20th century announces to the world that in this land of beauty and abundance there was once a civilization comparable to the great developments of the Yellow River, Ganges and Euphrates basins.

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金沙遗址金沙遗址的发现又再现了古蜀国的辉煌,把成都建城史推前到3000多年前。金沙流韵,千年事月,带给人们太多惊喜和震撼。这里浮现出古蜀文明加倍清楚的脉络,也回复复兴出神秘的蜀道上,那些更为遥远的身影。Discoveries at the Jinsha Site unveiled the wonders of the ancient Shu state and dated the history of the foundation of Chengdu as a city back to more than 3,000 years ago. Millennia have past, the reemergence of antiquity was as pleasant as it was astonishing. The ancient Shu civilization becomes increasingly clear and complete, restoring the romance and heroic deeds of many great storied figures that traveled along the ancient Shu roads.

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汗青上,帝王将相的传奇也常在蜀地上演。刘皇叔武担山立国,诸葛亮六出祁山,唐玄宗剑阁闻铃……几多忠臣怨主,几许盛衰悲欢,都留在这里的森森翠柏、重重殿字之间,留给那风雨楼台、金口木舌……千百年后,我们穿越那浩瀚的史乘,还能在文字间聆听到那些勾魂摄魄的故事。The historic Chengdu has witnessed the tales of many emperors and ministers, including Emperor Liu Bei ascending to the throne at Wudanshan, Chengdu, the six army marches of Zhuge Liang from Qishan, the countless midnight mourns of Emperor Xuanzong for his Imperial Concubine Yang; the legends linger among the cypress trees, the ancient temples and pavilions, the evening drums and morning bells. After thousands of years, the old buildings and alleys are still redolent of all these touching fables.

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斑斓四川 Beautiful Sichuan

世界天然遗产九寨沟 摄影/玫影前人说:“全国山川之观在蜀。”大天然似乎在四川这块地盘上堆积了全数的神奇和灵秀。九寨沟的水,是一个梦,黄龙的水,是一首抒情的诗,都江堰的水倒是弘大的交响曲……As an old Chinese saying goes, “all the most beautiful sceneries can be found in Sichuan”, because nature has endowed Sichuan with all the most wonderful and stunning views. the colorful lakes of Jiuzhaigou are like a dream, the peaceful waters of Huanglong are like poetry, while the rapids of Dujiangyan are like a magnificent symphony orchestrating grand songs ...

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世界天然遗产黄龙 摄影/玫影

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“蜀山之王”贡嘎山 摄影/汪秉宁

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卧龙、碧峰峡、都江堰、宝兴、栗子坪、唐家河……7处天然庇护区,9处风光胜景,这些漫衍在四川境内的山川美景拥有一个配合的名字,世界天然遗产“四川大熊猫栖息地”。The seven nature protection areas and nine scenic spots scattered within the boundary of Sichuan, including Wolong, Bifeng Gorge, Dujiangyan, Baoxing, Liziping and Tangjiahe, are collectively known as the World Natural Heritage Site of Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries.

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巴蜀文化蜀绣蜀绣 摄影/迪威

在甲骨文中,“蜀”字就是蚕的象形文字。华贵绮丽的蜀锦早在西汉就已名满全国。蜀人还在丝帛上缔造出一种“穷工极巧”的指尖身手——“蜀绣”。In oracle bone inscriptions, the Chinese character for “Shu” is a pictograph originating from silkworm. The luxuriant and bright Sichuan brocades had long gained a worldwide reputation in the Western Han Dynasty(206 B.C.–9 A.D.); meanwhile, citizens of the region created a very delicate handcraft named Sichuan Embroidery.

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释教文化乐山大佛 摄影/飞吻大地

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峨眉金顶开光日 摄影/杨国华

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道教文化 巴蜀自古出文宗

“巴蜀自古出文宗”,地灵人杰的巴蜀大地汇聚了太多的才华。汉代,这里呈现了“文章冠全国”的“汉赋之圣”司马相如与“儒圣”扬雄。后来,李太白从这里仗剑远行;杜工部在此地望月怀乡。陈子昂、薛涛、苏东坡、陆放翁、杨升庵、郭沫若、巴金……几多文人骚人的光线一向闪灼在这片浪漫的地盘上。 This remarkable land has also been home to a myriad of distinguished individuals since the Western Han Dynasty, including Han rhyme proses guru Sima Xiangru and preeminent Confucian scholar Yang Xiong, both esteemed throughout the country. Li Bai took here as the beginning of his thousands of miles of journey, and Du Fu watched the moon here to relieve his nostalgia. Chen Zi’ang, Xue Tao, Su Dongpo, Lu You, Yang Sheng’an, Guo Moruo, Ba Jin and many other masters of letters left their footprints on this land of romance...

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太白碑林 摄影/胡雅

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武侯祠 摄影/玫影

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眉山 三苏祠 摄影/胡雅

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中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川

The unique cultures of the ethnic group , the mysterious tastes and styles of Tibetan people and the traditionalcustoms of the Qiang People add their distinctive stories to the Sichuan cultural gallery.

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川剧双艳 摄影/孟无

腔调悠长的川剧、广为传播的曲艺和叹为观止的民间工艺……现在,它们都已成为了文化记忆传承的符号,并在新的时代披发出加倍精明的光华。Nowadays, all of these have become symbols conveying the valuable ancient cultures and showing more significance in the new era. 

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川北皮影 摄影/涂兴明

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漆器绘制 摄影/胡小平

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活力四川 Dynamic Sichuan - 经济实力

读四川,读“西部之心”的强劲脉动。2011年,四川跻身全国“两万亿俱乐部”,2015年,四川经济总量跨越3万亿,位列全国第六、西部之首;年度GDP增速达7.9%,千亿市州、百亿县(市)总数占比过百……Read Sichuan, read the strong pulse of “Heart of Western China”. In 2011, Sichuan climbed into the elite “two-trillion Yuan club”. In 2015, the gross economic output of Sichuan topped RMB three trillion, ranking sixth in the country and first in Western China. Sichuan realized a 7.9% increase in GDP over the past year, and there are a total of more than 100 “hundred billion Yuan cities and prefectures” and “ten billion Yuan counties(cities)”

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& 2015中俄“两河道域”青年论坛 摄影/张磊

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米歇尔与成都七中学生们一同上课 摄影/张万能

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2013年英国前辅弼布莱尔出席《财富》全球论坛(成都) 摄影/张万能


Constantly enlarging global circle of friends:16 consulates now operate in Chengdu, a number that continues to rank first in Middle and Western China. A total of 209 pairs ofsister relationships have been forged with foreign partner at provincial, municipal and county levels. Economic and trade cooperation relations with 216 countries and regions have also been established.

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第十五届中国西部国际博览会揭幕式 摄影/张磊

国际交流合作惹人注目:财富全球论坛、世界华商大会、西部国际博览会的投资促进、商业合作、交际办事三大平台感化加倍凸显,“中外知名企业四川行”,市场拓展“三大勾当”、“‘一带一路’251步履打算”……开放的四川正大踏步走向世界,转变的世界也越来越多融入四川元素。Eye-catching international exchanges and cooperation:The functionality of the Fortune Global Forum, World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and Western China International Fair as platforms for investment promotion, trade collaboration and foreign interactions has become even more apparent. With the “Well-known Chinese and Foreign Enterprises’ Visit to Sichuan”, “Three Major Activities” for market expansion and the “Belt and Road” Initiatives and 251 Three-year Action Plan, an open Sichuan is stepping onto the global stage and blending its own elements into the changing world.

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中华人民共和国外交部: 向世界 推介四川

According to the Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce ,as of September, 2016, there are 316 Fortune Global 500 companies operating their branches or subsidiaries in the province.In recent years, the actual use of foreign capital in Sichuan has exceeded USD 10 billion for four consecutive years, with the total amount ranking first in Western China, and the number of foreign-invested enterprises in Sichuan comes to more than 10,000.

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畅达四川 Unobstructed Sichuan - 阴平坝风光 摄影/ 杜思慧

新蜀道的宏图,就从铁路起头铺展。“十二五”完成了成渝铁路从两个小时到1个半小时的跨越。中欧班列(蓉欧快铁),一周多就能将四川的货色输送到欧洲腹地。今朝,四川拥有成渝、宝成、襄渝、遂渝、成昆、内昆、达万7大铁路出川通道。Ambitions of the new Shu roads begin with railways. During the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, the time required from Chengdu to Chongqing by train was shortened from two hours to 90 minutes, while freight delivery between Sichuan and European countries was reduced to within two weeks. Presently, seven major railways connecting Sichuan to other provinces in China have been built, including the Chengdu–Chongqing Railway, Baoji–Chengdu Railway, Xiangyang–Chongqing Railway, Suining–Chongqing Railway, Chengdu–Kunming Railway, Neijiang–Kunming Railway and Dazhou–Wanzhou Railway.

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成都新机场一期结果图 - 截至2016年8月底,成都已开通航路258条,此中国际(地域)航路89条;通航城市199个,位列中西部机场第一。

By the end of August 2016, Chengdu had opened 258 air routes, including 89 international(regional)flights, and Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport offers flights to 199 cities, the most among all airports in Western China.

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新蜀道,将“黄金水道”无限延长。全省沿长江、嘉陵江、岷江、渠江四条水运主通道,规划了六大口岸,“四江六港”重点项目全数建成或在建。New Shu roads extend Yangtze River into infinity. plans have been devised for the construction of six ports along four main waterways ,namely the Yangtze River, Jialing River, Minjiang River and Qujiang River. Among the “four-river and six-port” key projects, several have already been put into service and the rest are under construction.

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咀嚼四川 - Tasteful Sichuan川茶 摄影/刘杰

四川之味,泡在茶香里。明代顾炎武在《日知录》中写道:“秦人取蜀,始知若饮事。”可见,吃茶品茗风习是从四川传出来的。在四川,茶馆、茶肆遍布城乡和街巷。有水,就有茶铺,就有吃茶品茗的糊口。Sichuan flavors are in tea aromas. Gu Yanwu, a thinker in the Ming Dynasty(1368–1644 A.D.), has written in his Daily Understanding that “tea drinking became known to the outside world after Shu was conquered by the Qin people.” It is thus clear that tea custom spread from Sichuan, Where teahouses are now seen in streets and alleys all over cities and towns. Where there is water, there are teahouses and the tea-drinking lifestyle.

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四川小吃 摄影/蒋孟涛四川之味,藏在好菜里。

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颠末上千年的融合,川菜的饮食传统和调味法例不竭丰硕,形成了清爽醇浓与麻辣鲜香并重的特色。“一菜一格,百菜百味。”在饮食文化中,川菜绝对是一门别具一格的艺术。Sichuan flavors are in its delicacies. A saying goes “food in China, taste in Sichuan”. This repeated process forms a complex system that equally stresses crisp, spicy and numbing, wholesome and fragrant flavors, where each dish in Sichuan cuisine has its own subtle, unique taste. Within the sphere of gastronomy, Sichuan food is definitely an art of distinction.

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郎酒天宝洞 摄影/牟科

四川之味,醉在琼浆里。在三星堆遗址挖掘时,大量青铜酒器的出土让世人赞叹,蜀地从古至今就是一个和酒交缠,满盈着股股酒香的处所。四川大地,得天独厚的水、土、气孕育出怪异的酒文化。Sichuan flavors are in good liquors. The unearthing of numerous bronze drinking vessels at the Sanxingdui Site amazed the world. Since ancient times, Sichuan has long been a place where the liquors flowed and their aromas pervaded, as nature has blessed the area with fine water, earth and atmosphere that combined and cultivated a unique liquor culture.

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My name is Sichuan,Thank you, listen to my voice.

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