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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网人在海外人才交流
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2016/11/10 2:48:40 | 浏览:2741 | 评论:0









从2011年起,学校启动高层次人才引进的“百人计划”,根据学科发展方向、平台团队建设需求积极引进海内外高端专家和领军人才。在政府、学校、企业、市场相互驱动下,依靠广东经济强省、制造大省的优势,以广东的发展引导人才,以创新的机制吸引人才,以特殊的政策留住人才,以学校的诚意感动人才。坚持与工业界联合引进这一特色,将人才引向市场,使专家在实现学术价值的同时,创造市场价值。到目前为止,学校已引进“百人计划”特聘教授百余名和3名学院院长。“百人计划”特聘教授中已有24名国家“千人计划”入选者,7名“国家杰出青年科学基金”获得者,5名“国家优秀青年科学基金”获得者,5名教育部“长江学者奖励计划”入选者,4名入选广东省引进领军人才,已组建并入选4个“广东省创新创业科研团队”。2013年学校在“百人计划”实施和初见成效的基础上,启动了引进海内外优秀青年人才的 “青年百人计划”,目前已有150多名青年人才到岗工作。




(1)院士 (2)国家杰出青年基金获得者、长江学者




(1)“百人计划”特聘教授 (2)“青年百人计划”特聘副教授
























邮  箱:gdutyzzp@gdut.edu.cn 联 系 人:曹锋 杨蕊银 苏甫林

联系电话:020--39322509   学校网站:www.gdut.edu.cn


1. 机械电子工程、机械制造及其自动化、机械设计及理论、车辆工程、工业工程。















Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT), Guangzhou, China,

Invites Applications and Nominations forDeans and High level Talentsprofessors

Guangdong University of Technology, located in Guangzhou, P.R.China, is a key multi-disciplinary university of Guangdong Province with a history of over 50 years. With the advantage of bordering on Hong Kong and the benefits of Guangdong’s prosperous economic development, the university’s research and competitive power has been remarkably improved in recent years and the University has become a key educational and research institution in Guangdong province in Southern China.From 2015 on, Guangdong Province is going to invest 5 billion Chinese Yuan over the following 3 years to construct 3-5 High Level the Universities, and the University is successfully granted the fund by the Government as a key High Level University.

The University comprises 19 faculties and schools, offering 83 bachelor's programs. It has a full-time student population of over 47, 000, offering diverse courses in its 27 PhD programs, 88 master's programs(including MBA), and 5 Post-doctoral programs. The university has recruited more than100 chair professors and 3 deans since the introduction of the “One Hundred Talents” and “School deans” Programs in 2011. Benefiting from the economic and manufacturing power of Guangdong Province, the University interacts actively with governments, enterprises and markets to attract talents with innovative mechanisms, to retain talent with special talents recruiting policies and great sincerity. The uniqueness of the University’s talent recruiting and retaining program is its close collaboration with industry to lead talents towards market so that they can create market value while fulfilling academic value at the same time.

In order to realize the aim of leap-forward development, GDUT continueto implement the high-level talents recruitment programs, including Deans of five different schools, the “Top Talents chair professors and High level Talents professors.

I. Faculty Positions

1. Top Talents Recruitment Plan

The university plans to invite top scholars, experts and entrepreneurs who are honored as following titles:


(2)The National outstanding youth fund gainers, The Yangtze River Scholars

(3)The National Thousand Talents Plan experts, Guangdong Province leading talents, Guangdong ProvinceInnovation team leader

(4)The National Excellent youth fund gainers,The National Thousand Young Talents Plan experts

2. High-Level Talents Recruitment Plan

(1)The university’s “One-Hundred Talents” Chair Professors

(2)The university’s “One-Hundred Young Talents” Associate Professors

II. Person Specification, Salary andBenefits(All the payments below are before tax, Unit:RMB )

1.Person Specification for theuniversity’s “One-Hundred Talents Chair Professors

The eligible candidates must have a doctoral degree(s)or have professor titles, and no older than 50 in general. Applications from individuals as The National outstanding youth fund gainer or The Yangtze River Scholar or The National Thousand Talents Plan experts or the key leader froma well-known university or researchinstitute are strongly encouraged.

Salary and benefits:

(1)We offer competitive compensation package and benefits for the qualified candidates. The annual compensation can be up to 1,000,000 RMB(USD160,000);

(2)We also provide qualified candidates with housing subsidy(approximately 100 temporary apartment), and for those who want to buy an apartment in Guangzhou, the university can offer a housing allowance up to 800,000 RMB(USD130,000).

(3)The startup R&D funding can be up to 10,000,000 RMB(USD1600,000). The laboratory space will be provided according to work objectives and plans.

(4)Other benefits can be negotiated during the interview.

2. Top Talents

Person Specification, Salary and Benefits

Positions for Top Talents are available all the time. Apart from the benefits of national andprovincial support, our University offers competitive support for the introduced Top Talents as follows:


The annual salary and housingallowance can be negotiated during the interview.

(2)The National outstanding youth fund gainers, The Yangtze River Scholars;

The annual salary can be approximately from800,000 RMB(USD130,000) to 1,200,000RMB(USD194,000, housingallowance can be approximately from 1800,000 RMB (USD280,000)to 2,000,000 RMB(USD300,000).

(3)The National Thousand Talents Plan experts, Guangdong Province leading talents, Guangdong Province Innovation team leader

The annual salary can be approximately from600,000RMB(USD100,000) to 1,000,000 RMB(USD167,000), housingallowance can be approximately from 1200,000 RMB(USD180,000) to 1,400,000 RMB216,000).

(4)The National Excellent youth fund gainers, The National Thousand Young Talents Plan experts:

The annual salary for The National Excellent youth fund gainers can be approximately¥450,000 RMB(USD75,000)to 650,000 RMB(USD 108,000 , and housing allowance can be up to1,000,000 RMB(USD150,000). The annual salary for The National Thousand Young Talents Plan experts can be approximately¥400,000 RMB(USD62,000)to 600,000 RMB(USD 92,000, and housingallowance can be up to900,000 RMB(USD138,000).

The startup R&D funding for Top Talents can be up to 20,000,000 RMB(USD3,000,000).

3. Person specification for The University’s “One-Hundred Young Talents” Associate Professors

Age below 35, hold a doctoral degree(s), graduated from a famous overseas university or a National Key University, have working experiences in a well-known overseas laboratories, research institute, national key research platform and achieved satisfactory initial results; gained at least 5 academic achievements as the first author in recent five years, including high level academic papers, patents at home and abroad, host national research project and achieve academic awards over provincial level, etc.

Salary and benefits:

Provide competitive salary packages,the annual salary for the associate professorsis over¥200,000 RMB(USD35,000); Provide a temporary apartment and housing allowance; Startup R&D funding and laboratory space will also be offered.

III. Contact Information

All the documents and inquiries(including CV and work plans etc.)should be addressed to:Contact person:Mr. Cao Feng, Ms Ruiyin Yang, Mr.Su Fulin



The university will continue to look for qualified candidates until all the openings are filled.More information can be found on the university website:www.gdut.edu.cn

Recruitment Fields:

The university plans to invite scholars, experts and entrepreneurs of the following disciplines to work as Chair Professors and Associate Professor:

(1)Ultra-precision machinemanufacturing and inspection technology; IC packaging; robotics; intelligent manufacturing; Ceramic materials, etc.

(2)Nonferrous metal,material forming and mold technology; soft matterheat and mass transfer engineering; energy materials, thermodynamic system; solar energy etc.

(3)Complex system theory and Applications, Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Systems, power system operation and control; New energy power generation and control technology; Electrical equipment control, etc.

(4)Lighting and information displaying technology; Laser lithography, optical system design, weak optical signal detection and processing; radio frequency technology and Engineering.

(5)High performance computing, information integration system, software design theory and methods, information security, chip design and embedded systems, intelligent media information processing.

(6)Structural Engineering, Rock and soil engineering, Bridge and railroad engineering, Disaster prevention and reduction engineering, Urban utilities engineering, building energy conservation, Engineering mechanics.

(7)novel catalytic and functional materials; fine chemicals; biological resources.

(8)Environmental Chemistry; Water Pollution and Air Pollution ControlEnvironmental Pollution, Exposure and human health.

(9)Management systems engineering; Supply chain and logistics management; Industry engineering

(10)Industrial design and intelligent equipment, new media art and technology, information and interactive design, sustainable and environmental design, user experience and design strategy etc.

(11)Computational intelligence and applications; Multi-objective optimization theory and applications; Differential dynamical systems; Control theory and applications; Mathematical statistics.

(12)Electronic science and technology; Electronic circuit and system.

(13International Trade English, International Trade(applicants shall hold a bachelor degree from a university located in a English speaking country or Japan )

(14) Drug analysis, drug metabolism, cell biology, pharmacology and pathology, proteomics, metabolic proteomics, bioinformatics.

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