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2016/12/16 14:13:20 | 浏览:2874 | 评论:0



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  The Fourth Wuhan University International Forum for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering Sincerely Invites Prominent Young Talents

    Featured Forum:April 14-16, 2017
  Forum Season:December 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017
  Location:Wuhan, China
  Organizer:Wuhan University
1.About the Forum
  Wuhan University International Forum for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering is providing a platform for prominent young talents at home and abroad to enhance brainstorming and cross-disciplinary exchange, and advance interdisciplinary sciences and collaborative innovation, with the goal of striving for the construction of world class leading university and disciplines.
  Wuhan University carefully devises the blueprint of ‘the 13th Five Year Plan’, strongly advocates comprehensive reform and implements the Tenure Line Faculty System to arouse the vitality of running the university, aiming at promoting the construction of a world class leading university. Wuhan University has launched the “Collaborative Innovation Center for Geospatial Technology”, the “Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights”, and the “Center of Cooperative Innovation for Judicial Civilization”. Some interdisciplinary research institutions/platforms have been established, such as the Institute for Advanced Research, Institute for Medical Research and Industrial Research Institute, Cross-disciplinary Platform for Engineering Sciences, endeavoring to establish high-level academic research platforms for young scholars at home and abroad.
  We sincerely invite you prominent young talents at home and abroad to gather at Mountain Luojia and join in Wuhan University, the most beautiful university in China for mutual development and prosperity.
2. Requirements for Applicants
  ①Under the age of 40
  ②The forum is open to overseas researchers who have received a doctoral degree from internationally renowned universities abroad or received a doctoral degree from domestic universities with 3-year overseas working experience; And those who have received a doctoral degree with 3-year working experience in China and achieved certain academic influence in the research area,non-ethnic Chinese included.
  ③Relevant Areas:Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering Science, Information Science, Life Science, Medical Science, Environment and Geoscience, Art and Humanities, and Social Sciences etc.
3.Form and Schedule
  In order to attract young scholars at home and abroad in wide range, the forum consists of two forms:the featured forum and forum season, making the time more flexible.
  ①Featured Forum
  April 14, 2017:Check-in
  April 15-16, 2017:Opening Ceremony, Speeches and Presentations, Communications and Interactions
  ②Forum Season
  Time Period:From December 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017
  For those who are not available in the Featured Forum, you can choose to participate in the Forum Season. We still extend our warm welcome to you, and you may pick a convenient time to visit Wuhan University through mutual communication and negotiation with relevant schools and research institutions of our university.
  * Please remember to choose your preferred activity(Featured Forum or Forum Season)when making on-line application.
4. Application Process
  Please register and submit your application at:http://postdoc.whu.edu.cn/zp/index.shtml
  Application Process:
  Invited young scholars of the Featured Forum will receive an email from the forum’s organizer with further details before March 16, 2017.
  For Invited young scholars of the Forum Season, the forum’s organizer will send an invitation letter to you at an appropriate time through negotiations.
  Please feel free to contact us for further information and your application to our forum is highly welcomed.

5. Traveling and Accommodation
  The forum organizer will provide board and lodging during the forum(free of charge). All invited young scholars should book and pay for their air-tickets first. Up to 5,000 RMB Yuan international travel reimbursement is available for each participant at home, and up to 10,000 RMB Yuan international travel reimbursement is available to each participant overseas.
6. Contact Information
  Contact:Yuan Xiaoming, Liu Xiaohui, Xu Xin
  Young scholars with interests in electronic manufacturing and mechanics may also contact Professor Sheng Liu at victor_liu63@126.com.
About Wuhan University
  Wuhan University(WHU)is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education with a 123-year history and most beautiful campus in China. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985 Project" key universities.
  Wuhan University offers degrees in twelve major fields, namely Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Management and Art. Wuhan University has trained and gathered a faculty of high-quality professionals, in which of 9 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 10 senior professors of arts and social sciences, 5 Innovation Communities of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 79 Changjiang Scholars,54 winners of the “National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars”and 15 nationally-recognized best teachers. Wuhan University has 5 key state laboratories, 2 national engineering and technology research centers, 2 national field scientific observatories, 9 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education and 5 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education. Besides, there are 7 humanities and social sciences key research bases of the Ministry of Education, 10 national basic science research and talent cultivation bases, 9 nationally-recognized experimental teaching demonstration centers, 3 nationally-recognized virtual simulation experiment teaching centers and 1 national undergraduate cultural competency education base.



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