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2016/12/22 15:20:49 | 浏览:2590 | 评论:0


上海科技大学(ShanghaiTech University,简称上科大、ShanghaiTech)是一所由上海市人民政府与中国科学院共同举办、共同建设,由上海市人民政府主管的全日制普通高等学校,2013年9月30日经教育部批准同意正式建立。学校致力于服务国家经济社会发展战略,培养科技创新创业人才,提供科技解决方案及发挥思想库作用,积极投身高等教育改革,努力建设一所小规模、高水平、国际化的研究型、创新型大学。学校以理工科为主,设立物质科学与技术学院、生命科学与技术学院、信息科学与技术学院和创业与管理学院等四个学院,免疫化学研究所和iHuman研究所等两个研究所。


上科大按照1:10–1:12的师生比建设一支1000人规模的专任教师队伍,规划选聘500位常任教授和500位特聘教授。其中,常任教授主要来源于国际著名大学的知名学者和优秀青年学者,实行常任教授制(Tenure System);特聘教授主要来源于中科院上海分院研究院所的优秀科学家以及国内外著名教授。截至2016年4月,学校已选聘387位专任教师(98位常任教授,289位特聘教授),其中包括3位诺贝尔奖获得者、6位美国国家科学院院士、2位英国皇家学会会士、26位中国科学院院士、3位中国工程院院士、95位国家杰出青年科学基金获得者以及72位国家/外专/青年/上海“千人计划”人才。  




www.shanghaitech.edu.cn jobs.shanghaitech.edu.cn.


Multiple Faculty Positions at ShanghaiTech University

Officially approved to open on September 30th 2013 by China’s Ministry of Education, ShanghaiTech University is a small-scale research university of academic excellence jointly established by Shanghai Municipal Government and Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).ShanghaiTech focuses on science and engineering. The university consists of four schools and two research institutes:School of Physical Science and Technology(SPST), School of Information Science and Technology(SIST), School of Life Science and Technology(SLST), School of Entrepreneurship and Management(SEM), Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies(SIAIS)and iHuman Institute.

ShanghaiTech is committed to serving the national development strategy. ShanghaiTech seeks innovative solutions to address the challenges that China is facing in the field of energy, material, environment, human health, thus to improve productivity driven by innovation, and contribute to the restructuring and development of China.At the end of 2015, the governing body of Zhangjiang Comprehensive National Science Center has been located in ShanghaiTech and among the first four large-scale scientific facilities initiated by the Center, ShanghaiTech is involved in the construction of Live Cell Imagining Facility, Ultra-Intense and Ultrashort Pulse Laser Facility and Free Electron Laser Facility.

ShanghaiTech is building up a strong faculty of 1000 professors, including 500 tenure-track/tenured professors recruited from around the world and 500 distinguished professors-in-residence from CAS institutes and other prestigious universities or institutes. Among our current faculty(387 by April 2016)are three Nobel laureates, six National Academy of Sciences(USA)members, two Royal Society(UK)fellow, twenty-six CAS members and three Chinese Academy of Engineering members.

ShanghaiTech offers Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctoral degree and Professional Master Degree. The undergraduate students will reach 2,000 and graduate students will reach 4,000(including 3,000 Ph.D. candidates).

ShanghaiTech is actively engaged in the globalization of education and has extensive collaboration with UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, MIT etc. in the field of training of faculty, course sharing, joint degrees, student exchange, academic exchange and joint research. The university is also working to partner with other top Chinese universities. To break the barrier between research and industry, the university collaborates intensively with domestic and international hi-tech companies in joint research and development and training of students.

The campus covers approximately 0.6 square kilometer. The total floor area of the approved projects is over 700,000 square meters. Based on the concept of “faculty and student oriented” and “interaction and integration”, the design of the campus won the 2012 American Institute of Architects, California Council(AIACC)Awards for Urban Design.

We are seeking applications and nominations for multiple faculty positions at all ranks.

Initial Research Support Package:ShanghaiTech will provide internationally competitive start-up funds plus support for Research Associates and Post-Doctoral fellows. Laboratory space will be provided to match research needs.

Compensation and Benefits:Salary is highly competitive and commensurate with experience and academic accomplishments. ShanghaiTech also offers a comprehensive benefit package.

1. School of Physical Science and Technology(SPST)

SPST aspires to become one of the national andinternational intellectual hubs for original researchin materials, energy and the environment. SPST aimsto tackle the most fundamental scientific questionsin these disciplines and to become the intellectualproperty(IP)powerhouse for their technologicalapplications. The School encourages academicfreedom and innovation, original research, bold/risky ideas, cross-disciplinary collaboration andtech-transfer.

Qualifications:Successful applicants should have a doctoral degree in Physical Science and Engineering as well as postdoctoral experience for junior level position, and will be expected to establish an independent, internationally recognized research program, supervise students and teach two courses a year. The senior position applicants are expected to be leading scientists in his/her research discipline. We particularly welcome those with research interests related to Energy, Materials and Environment Science and Engineering to apply.

2. School of Life Science and Technology(SLST)

SLST seeks scientific breakthroughs building onthe competence of life-science research teamsfrom CAS Shanghai and collaboration with R&Dcenters of leading pharma-companies based in Zhangjiang.The education programs and research topics aredesigned to address prominent questions in thefrontier fields of life science. The School advocatesan interdisciplinary approach and emphasizes theintegration of basic and applied research. SLST is currently seeking applications focused on, but not limited to, genomics and proteomics, epigenetics, RNA biology, systems biology, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, super-resolution microscopy, chemical biology and drug discovery, and translational medicine.

Qualifications: Successful applicants should have an exceptional track record of research in life sciences or a closely related discipline within the last five years. Besides maintaining an active research program, the recruited applicants will be expected to contribute to the educational missions of SLST’s undergraduate and graduate programs.

3. School of Information Science and Technology(SIST)

SIST's mission is to cultivate, nurture, educate, and train future technology innovators, enterprise leaders, R&D specialists, and entrepreneurs in information science and technology. It promotesboth basic and applied research of the highest level by recruiting world-class scholars and researchers with international reputations as faculty members to establish state-of-the-art core technology laboratories, by collaborating broadly and closely with leading universities, research institutions, and hi-tech companies around the world, and by taking advantages of Yangtze Delta’s vibrant eco-environment rich with academic talents, financial strength, hi-tech industrial bases, and superb regional economic policies. The school emphasizesthe establishment of an innovative and personalizededucation system for undergraduate andpostgraduate students. SIST seeks candidates in all cutting-edge areas of information science and technology. Recruitment is focused on, but is not limited to, the following special research areas:applied mathematics, advanced computer architecture and technologies, nano-scale and solid state electronics, semi-conductor devices, ultra-high speed and low power circuits, intelligent information and signal processing systems, next-generation computer systems, computational foundations, big data analytics, data mining, visualization, computer vision, robotics and control, bio-computing, smart energy/power devices and systems, information theory and communications, highly-scalable and multi-service heterogeneous networking, statistics, as well as various inter-disciplinary areas involving the foundation and applications of information science and technology.

Qualifications:A strong interest in undergraduate and graduate education; well-articulated research plans and demonstrated record/strength/potentials; a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, or a closely related field; minimum relevant research experience of four years.

4. School of Entrepreneurship and Management(SEM)

SEM is a non-traditional business school and the bridge from science to innovation and entrepreneurship at ShanghaiTech. The curriculum covers marketing, economics and statistics to innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership. It includes design thinking, arts, and other cross-disciplinary courses, as well as provides intense hands-on experience for students. Its courses focus on fostering creativity, confidence and critical thinking through a curriculum specifically designed for science and technology students. SEM is also the home of interdisciplinary research groups in areas such as the Future of Smart Cities and Decision Sciences. These research centers provide an opportunity for students from ShanghaiTech’s other schools to apply the basic research they learn in their majors to real-world challenges in Shanghai, China and beyond.

Qualifications: Successful applicants should possess a doctoral degree in studies such as Economics(behavioral or applied preferred), Psychology, Decision Theory, Finance, or Marketing with a strong bent towards interdisciplinary research. Faculty responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduate students studying engineering and science, and conducting research. In addition, SEM especially welcomes applicants with interests related to Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Capital.

5. Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies(SIAIS)

SIAIS aims to become a first-class, leading antibody research institute in the world. Its nine key labs and five junior PI labs cover all the capabilities that one needs to go from the discovery of an important antibody through all the steps necessary to turn it into a drug. SIAIS aims to enhance the capability of developing independent IP rights and commercialization of discovered antibodies and biotechnologies. SIAIS focuses on elucidating the most fundamental problems in life science research, particularly in immunochemistry. We are seeking highly motivated and outstanding candidates with strong interests in antibody design and engineering, phenotypic assay methods and platform technology, biological engineering, ADC chemistry, structural biochemistry, cell/stem cell biology and translational medical research.

Qualifications:Successful applicants should possess a doctoral degree in physical or life science with a successful track record in academia or pharmaceutical industry. SIAIS particularly welcomes those with research interests that emphasize innovation and transformation.

6. iHuman Institute(iHuman)

iHuman Institute focuses exclusively on the basic and applied science of human cell signaling, integrating multiple tools for scientific discovery and bringing together leading researchers throughout the world. The Institute attracts researchers in chemical and cell biology, chemistry, antibody development, computational chemistry, imaging, structural biology, system biology and translational biology. Basic science is at the core of the iHuman Institute,with direct application to drug discovery.

Qualifications:Successful applicants should have a doctoral degree in Physical or Life Sciences as well as postdoctoral experience for junior level position. Applicants will be expected to supervise students and establish an independent, internationally recognized research program. Senior position applicants are expected to be leading scientists in his/her research disciplinary. We particularly welcome those with research interests related to chemical biology and computational biology to apply.

Application Procedure:Submit a cover letter(Firstname_Lastname_Cover_Letter.pdf), a 2-page research plan(Firstname_Lastname_Research_Plan.pdf), a CV(Firstname_Lastname_CV.pdf), up to 3 copies of most significant publications(Firstname_Lastname_Paper1-3.pdf), and the names of three references to the email addresses given below:













Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until positions are filled.

For more information, please visit:www.shanghaitech.edu.cn. For other openings, please visit:jobs.shanghaitech.edu.cn.

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