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美国海军陆战队Battle Color Ceremony(Parade Deck - Barstow 3/5)
美国海军陆战队Battle Color Ceremony(Parade Deck - Barstow 3/5)
2017/2/16 9:11:02 | 浏览:1817 | 评论:0

美国海军陆战队Battle Color Ceremony(Parade Deck - Barstow 3/5)

美国海军陆战队Battle Color Ceremony(Parade Deck - Barstow 3/5)

The U.S. Marine Corps Battle Color ceremony will be held on the Parade Deck at the Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, at 12 noon, Sunday, March 5, 2017.  On behalf of the Base Commander, Colonel Sekou S. Karega, it is my pleasure to invite you, your group, friends, families and guests to this free event.

 The Marine Corps Battle Color Detachment from historic Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C. features the U. S. Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps with it’s fabulous "Music in Motion" performance.  Talented Marine musicians will play beautifully arranged contemporary music and uniquely choreographed traditional marching music.  Also during the performance, the world-renowned Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon will excite the audience with their intricate drill routine with blazing bayoneted rifles all performed without verbal commands.  The ceremony concludes when the valor and history of the Marine Corps goes on display with the Marine Corps Color Guard parading the National Ensign and the Marine Corps Colors, decorated with its many battlefield streamers and silver bands representing battles fought throughout its 241-year history.

Because parking is limited and the presentation is free and open to the public, you are encouraged to make reservations to attend as early as possible.   School buses will have special parking. Your assistance in returning your reservation to the address on the form by March 1, 2017 will enable us to better arrange parking.  Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

 We hope you can join us for this display of musical excellence and dazzling rifle handling.  

                         R. L. JACKSON

                         Public Affairs Officer

美国海军陆战队Battle Color Ceremony(Parade Deck - Barstow 3/5)



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