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CSU will no longer require placement exams & remedial classes for freshmen
CSU will no longer require placement exams & remedial classes for freshmen
作者:聂达 | 2017/8/26 7:22:23 | 浏览:1628 | 评论:0

Cal State will no longer require placement exams and remedial classes for freshmen

Cal State plans to drop placement exams in math and English as well as the noncredit remedial courses that more than 25,000 freshmen have been required to take each fall — a radical move away from the way public universities traditionally support students who come to college less prepared than their peers.

In an executive order issued late Wednesday, Chancellor Timothy P. White directed the nation’s largest public university system to revamp its approach to remedial education and assess new freshmen for college readiness and course placement by using high school grades, ACT and SAT scores, previous classroom performance and other measures that administrators say provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of students’ knowledge.

Cal State will no longer make those students who may need extra help take the standardized entry-level mathematics(ELM)exam and the English placement test(EPT).

The new protocol, which will go into effect in fall 2018, “facilitates equitable opportunity for first-year students to succeed through existing and redesigned education models,” White wrote in a memorandum to the system’s 23 campus presidents, who will be responsible for working with faculty to implement the changes. The hope is that these efforts will also help students obtain their degrees sooner — one of the public university system's priorities. Cal State has committed to doubling its four-year graduation rate, from 19% to 40%, by 2025.


CSU will no longer require placement exams & remedial classes for freshmen

美国加州州立大学北岭分校 图源:KILROY Education

据统计,对于从社区学院转入大学就读的学生来说,数学方面的前置课程要求往往是最难以跨越的考验,此前加州州立大学系统对于所有专业的申请者都要求必须研修并通过中等代数(Intermediate Algebra),这令不少申请者望而却步,同时令一些申请者将很大一部分精力投入到数理课的课后补习中,然而他们在这一过程中所习得的数理知识,是今后大学专业学习中很少会被应用到的。


那么曾经被奉为教育界金科玉律(Gold Standard)的数理标准是真正进入大学的必要的敲门砖呢?取消部分专业对中等代数前置课程的硬性要求究竟是让学生们的选择更加多样化和弹性化?还是仅仅为了提高全美四年大学教育的毕业率呢?然而教育院在过去的两年中,不断讨论着:硬性地数理要求是否会潜移默化地影响当代的大学生,在解决实际生活和工作中的问题时,对非理工科方法的选择和看中。


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