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上海科大招聘:Director of Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning
上海科大招聘:Director of Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning
2018/3/8 9:23:29 | 浏览:1423 | 评论:0

上海科大招聘:Director of Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning

上海科大招聘:Director of Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning


ShanghaiTech focuses on learning outcome based education, with traditional and project/research based strategies for lesson, subject and program design. CITL’s mission is to promote the professional development of faculty through teaching training programs, assessment on teaching and learning, information technology and academic support.

Job Description:
Director/Associate Director reports to Vice President. His or her responsibilities include:
• Lead the team of CITL, oversee the center’s administration, and contribute to its strategic planning and the smooth operation of the center
• Develop, implement, and assess pedagogical professional development programs across the university
• Serve as an administrative liaison to committees for faculty development, collaborate with committees on professional development, assessment, information technology, academic support, and consultation.
• Assist faculty in exploration and experimentation with innovative teaching methods and tools
• Produce internal reports and key documents on the CITL work
• Coordinate with the schools, teaching center across the university.

• Five-year teaching experiences of STEAM(science, technology, engineering, art and math)education or a related field
• Knowledge of theories and practices of teaching and learning; working knowledge of assessment paradigms and e-learning including the role of technology in instructional effectiveness
• Passion in the wide range of approaches to teaching and learning
• Effective academic administrative skills
• Excellent written and communication skills
• Strong organizational and administrative skills
• Chinese-speaking is preferred

How to apply:
Please send an email to Vice President Jinkang Gong at gongjk@shanghaitech.edu.cn with
• A cover letter(of 1–2 pages)that addresses your qualifications and interests.
• A current curriculum vitae with complete contact information for two references.

About ShanghaiTech:
Newly established ShanghaiTech University offers a stimulating environment for pursuing studies and impactful research. Officially approved to open on September 30th 2013 by Ministry of Education, ShanghaiTech University, located at the core of ZhangJiang Comprehensive National Science Center, is a research university of academic excellence jointly established by Shanghai Municipal Government and Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). ShanghaiTech is dedicated to be a research university of academic excellence and a dynamic people centered hub where innovative research, education, and community service meet to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to learning and to solving global challenges.

Focusing on science and technology, ShanghaiTech consists of five schools - School of Physical Science and Technology(SPST), School of Information Science and Technology(SIST), School of Life Science and Technology(SLST), School of Entrepreneurship and Management(SEM), School of Creative Arts(SCA)- and three research institutes - Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies(SIAIS), iHuman Institute, Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

ShanghaiTech is committed to serve the national development strategy. ShanghaiTech seeks innovative solutions to address the challenges that China is facing in the field of energy, materials, environment, life sciences, pharmaceutical development, human health, data science, artificial intelligence(AI), and electrical engineering etc. thus to improve productivity driven by innovation, and contribute to the restructuring and development of China.

For more Information about the university, please visit www.shanghaitech.edu.cn.


上海科大招聘:Director of Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning

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