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2019/2020 China Scholarship For Ameican Scholars & Students
2019/2020 China Scholarship For Ameican Scholars & Students
2019/1/4 13:01:08 | 浏览:3339 | 评论:0


2019/2020 China Scholarship For Ameican Scholars & Students

2019/2020 Chinese Government Scholarship Application



The 2019/2020 Chinese Government Scholarship is now open for application. Online application and corresponding application documents should be submitted no later than April 1st, 2018. The agency number for the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles is 8403

Applicants from the State of Arizona, Southern California, Hawaii, New Mexico and American Pacific Islands need to apply to the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles.

Online Application Instructions
Foreigner Physical Examination Form

Eligibility:To be eligible, applicants must
- be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health.
- be a high school graduate under the age of 25 when applying for undergraduate programs;
- be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for master’s programs;
- be a master’s degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for doctoral programs;
- be under the age of 45 and have completed at least two years of undergraduate study when applying for general scholar programs;
- be a master’s degree holder or an associate professor(or above)under the age of 50 when applying for senior scholar programs.

Application Documents
a)Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship(in Chinese or English).
b)Notarized highest diploma:Prospective diploma winners must submit official proof of student status by their current school. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
c)Academic transcripts:Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
d)A Study Plan or Research Proposal in Chinese or English.(A minimum of 200 words for undergraduates, 500 words for non-degree students, and 800 words for postgraduates.)
e)Recommendation letters:Applicants for graduate programs or senior scholar programs must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.
f)Applicants for music studies are requested to submit their own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit their own works which include two sketches, two color paintings and two other works.
g)Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians in China.
h)Applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months must submit a photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English(the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form designed by the Chinese quarantine authority can be downloaded from http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina orwww.campuschina.org. The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months.

Please submit the following documents if applicable
i)Pre-admission Letter from Chinese Government Scholarship universities.
j)Language qualification certificate. e.g., HSK certificates, IELTS or TOFEL report.

Other Scholarships
Introduction of Chinese Bridge and Confucius China Studies Program
Introduction of Zhi-Xing China Programs

Please note that :
1.CSC(China Scholarship Concil)only accepts application documents that are recommended by the dispatching authorities. Please DO NOT send your individual application documents to CSC by email or by post.
2. If you want to know the status of your application, you should contact the dispatching authorities.
3. Normally the dispatching authority is the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your country. Please contact the education department of the dispatching authority before you send your document.

For further information

please check:
or contact:
Consul Cao Qian
Email:caoqian@moe.edu.cn, alfcao7@yahoo.com
Phone:(213)807-8023 at office hours(9am-12noon and 2-5pm)

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