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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网活动公告学术论坛
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2020/11/24 12:37:41 | 浏览:1002 | 评论:0





2.可点击 http://register.hnu.edu.cn/m/home/index ,或扫描二维码报名。




四、日程安排湖南大学2020年国际青年学者岳麓论坛时间如下:12月26日 主论坛 12月27日—28日 各分论坛

五、服务保障 学校为每位受邀参会学者提供往返差旅、交通、食宿等相关费用据实报销,其中国际差旅限额1.2万元/人,所报销费用按照学者本人要求的方式进行结算。论坛期间食宿由学校统一安排。学校为每位受邀者提供全程精心服务,通过实地考察参观,全方位感受千年学府的文化底蕴与宜居长沙的城市魅力。

六、联系方式湖南大学人才工程办 左鑫电话:0731-88821397手机:13487564668 邮箱:forum@hnu.edu.cn 传真:0731-88821397



I. Introduction to Forum

Hunan University is located in Changsha, a historically and culturally renowned city in China. The campus is situated at the foot of Yuelu Mountain, a National 5A Scenic Spot, along the bank of Xiangjiang River, and it is rated as "the most poetic college" by Cultural Geography. Hunan University was founded in the ninth year of Kai Bao period of the Northern Song Dynasty(976 A.D.), honored as an “Ancient Millenarian Academy, Famous Centennial University”. It is a national key university affiliated to the Ministry of Education, a key university in Project 211 and Project 985, as well as a national "world-class university". Yuelu Forum of International Young Scholars, hosted by Hunan University, aims at gathering outstanding young scholars with diversified academic backgrounds from home and abroad to have discussions on the latest explorations of international frontier technology and its future development. This forum is meant to promote exchanges and cooperation between young scholars from all over the world, to enhance their joint effort in exploring the science and technology frontier area, and to achieve more advanced academic achievements.

II. Application Requirements and Fields Covered

Application Requirements:Outstanding young scholars from home and abroad under the age of 40, with remarkable achievements in the fields of natural sciences and engineering technology, economic management, and humanities and social sciences, with great potentials for future development and intentions to start a career in China. Fields covered:♦ Philosophy♦ Economics:Applied Economics, Theoretical Economics♦ Jurisprudence♦ Historiography:Chinese History♦ Science: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics ♦ Engineering:Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermal Physics, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Civil Engineering, Chemistry Engineering and Technology, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Software Engineering, Cyberspace Security, Ultra-High Performance Computing, Urban and Rural Planning, Architecture ♦ Medical Science: Preclinical Medicine, Pharmacy♦ Management:Management Science and Engineering, Business Management, Public Management ♦ Arts: Design Studies♦ Interdisciplinary studies of above mentioned fields

III. Application Procedure

Young scholars who intend to participate in Yuelu Forum can sign up in the following two ways. 1.Send a detailed CV to forum@hnu.edu.cn(please specify research field as part of the CV document name); 2.Click http://register.hnu.edu.cn/m/home/index or scan the QR code below to sign up:


Please note that the application deadline is December 15th, 2020.

IV. Schedule of the Forum

The time for Hunan University 2020 Yuelu Forum of International Young Scholars to be held is as follows:December 26:Main Forum December 27-28:Sub-forums

V. Service Provision

Hunan University will reimburse each invited scholar his/her actual travel expenses of round-trip travel, local transportation, accommodations and catering upon handing in receipts and invoices(For international traveller, the reimbursement limit is RMB¥12000), and the reimbursement will be settled as required by the scholar. The University will provide accommodations and catering during the Forum. The university is glad to provide assistance and service to all invited scholars throughout their on-the-spot appreciation of the charm of the thousand year old Yuelu Academy and livable city of Changsha.

VI. Contacts

Talent Recruitment Office, Hunan University Chen Renpeng He Min and Zuoxin

Tel:0086 731 88821397    Mobile phone:0086 13487564668

E-mail:forum@hnu.edu.cn   Fax:0086 731 88821397

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