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2020/11/28 16:24:39 | 浏览:1517 | 评论:0

A Guide to Basic Differences between Left & Right  

Source of Human Rights 人权的来源
Left:government 左派:人权来自于政府
Right:the Creator 右派:人权来自于造物主
Human Nature 人性
Left:basically good(Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.) 左派:人性大体上是善良的(因此,主要应该由社会对邪恶负责)
Right:not basically good(Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.) 右派:人性大体上是坏的(因此,主要应该由个人对邪恶负责)
Economic Goal 经济目标
Left:equality 左派:平等
Right:prosperity 右派:繁荣
Primary Role of the State 国家的主要角色
Left:increase and protect equality 左派:增进和保护平等
Right:increase and protect liberty 右派:增进和保护自由
Government 政府
Left:as large as possible 左派:尽可能大
Right:as small as possible 右派:尽可能小
Family Ideal 理想的家庭
Left:any loving unit of people 左派:任何相爱的人组成的单位
Right:a married father and mother, and children 右派:已婚的父亲、母亲及其孩子组成的单位
Guiding Trinity 三位一体的指导原则(Guiding Trinity)
Left:race, gender and class 左派:种族、性别、阶级
Right:liberty, In God We Trust and e pluribus unum 右派:自由、我们信仰上帝、合众为一(E Pluribus Unum)
Good and Evil 善与恶
Left:relative to individual and/or society 左派:对个人或社会而言,善恶是相对的
Right:based on universal absolutes 右派:善与恶基于普遍的绝对真理
Humanity’s Primary Division(s) 人类的主要分类(Primary Division)
Left:rich and poor; strong and weak 左派:富人与穷人;强者与弱者;
Right:good and evil 右派:好人和坏人
Ideal Primary Identity of an American 一个美国人理想的身份
Left:world citizen 左派:世界公民
Right:American citizen 右派:美国公民
How to Make a Good Society 如何创造一个美好的社会
Left:abolish inequality 左派:废除不平等
Right:develop each citizen’s moral character 右派:增强每个人的道德品质
View of America 如何评价美国
Left:profoundly morally flawed; inferior to any number of European countries 左派:美国在道德上显然有瑕疵,比任何一个欧洲国家都逊色
Right:greatest force for good among nations in world history 右派:美国是世界史上最强大的、为善的力量
Gender 性别
Left:a social construct 左派:性别是由社会建构的
Right:male and female 右派:男人和女人
Most Important Trait to Cultivate in a Child 在培养孩子时,最重要的品质
Left:self-esteem 左派:自尊心
Right:self-control 右派:自控力
Worth of the Human Fetus 人类胎儿的价值
Left:determined by the mother 左派:由母亲决定
Right:determined by society rooted in Judeo-Christian values 右派:由植根于犹太—基督教价值观的社会决定
Primary Source of Crime 犯罪的主要原因
Left:poverty, racism and other societal flaws 左派:贫穷、种族主义以及其他社会缺陷
Right:the criminal’s malfunctioning conscience 右派:犯罪分子不辨是非(malfunctioning conscience)
Place of God and Religion in America 上帝和宗教在美国的地位
Left:secular government and secular society 左派:世俗政府和世俗社会
Right:secular government and religious society 右派:世俗政府和宗教社会
American Exceptionalism 如何看待美国例外论
Left:chauvinistic doctrine 左派:一种沙文主义学说
Right:historical reality 右派:历史事实
Greatest Threat to the World 对世界的最大威胁
Left:environmental catastrophe(currently global warming) 左派:环境灾难;目前是全球气候变暖
Right:evil(currently radical Islamist violence) 右派:邪恶;目前来自伊斯兰教主义者的暴力
International Ideal 理想的国际社会
Left:world governed by the United Nations, and no single country is dominant 左派:由联合国统治的世界,任何一个国家都不占主导地位
Right:world in which America is the single strongest entity 右派:美国占主导地位的世界
Primary Reason for Lack of Peace in Middle East 中东缺少和平的主要原因
Left:Israeli settlements in the West Bank 左派:以色列在约旦河西岸的定居点
Right:Palestinian, Arab and Muslim denial of Jewish state’s right to exist 右派:巴勒斯坦人、阿拉伯,穆斯林不承认以色列国的生存权
Purpose of Art 艺术的目的
Left:challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities 左派:挑战现状、挑战资产阶级的情感
Right:produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society 右派:创造富有美感和内涵深刻的作品,提升个人和社会
Guns 枪支
Left:ideally universally abolished, except for use by police, the armed forces and registered sportsmen 左派:理想状况是,除警察、军队以及登记在册的运动员外,应全面禁枪
Right:ideally widely owned by responsible individuals for self-protection and the protection of others 右派:理想状况是,负责任的个人广泛地持有枪支,用于自保以及保护他人
Race 种族
Left:intrinsically significant 左派:本质上讲意义重大
Right:intrinsically insignificant 右派:本质上讲无关紧要
Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity at Universities 大学里的种族、民族和性别的多样性
Left:most important 左派:最重要的莫过于此
Right:far less important than ideological diversity 右派:远不如意识形态的多样性重要
Black America’s Primary Problem 美国黑人面临的主要问题
Left:racism 左派:种族歧视
Right:lack of fathers 右派:缺少父亲(即黑人的单亲家庭比例高)
Greatest Playwright 最伟大的剧作家
Left:entirely subjective; there is no greatest playwright 左派:完全是主观的。不存在最伟大的剧作家。
Right:Shakespeare 右派:莎士比亚
War 战争
Left:not the answer 左派:“战争不是答案”
Right:sometimes the only answer 右派:有时候,面对邪恶,战争是唯一的答案
Hate 仇恨
Left:wrong, except when directed at the political 左派:仇恨是错的,仇恨政治右派除外
Right:wrong, except when directed at evil 右派:仇恨是错的,除了仇恨邪恶
Cultures 不同的文化
Left:all equal 左派:所有的文化都平等
Right:some are better than others 右派:文化有优劣之分
America’s Founding Fathers 美国的国父们
Left:rich white male slave owners 左派:富人、白人、男性奴隶主
Right:great men who founded the greatest society 右派:一群伟人,他们建立了一个最伟大的社会
Purpose of Judges 法官的目标
Left:pursue social justice 左派:追求社会公正
Right:pursue justice 右派:追求公正
National Borders 国家的边界
Left:a relic of the past 左派:历史的遗迹
Right:indispensable for national survival 右派:对国家的生存不可或缺
View of Illegal Immigrants 如何看待非法移民
Left:welcomed guests 左派:受欢迎的客人
Right:illegal immigrants 右派:非法移民
Nature 大自然
Left:intrinsically valuable 左派:自然本质上有其价值
Right:made for man 右派:自然是为人服务的
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