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美国智库 布鲁金斯学会:《美国对华政策的未来》(1)
2020/12/30 2:08:07 | 浏览:1759 | 评论:0

The future of US policy toward China

Recommendations for the Biden administration

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In recent years, U.S.-China relations have grown increasingly rivalrous. The incoming administration will inherit a bilateral relationship in which areas of confrontation have intensified, areas of cooperation have shrunk, and the capacity of both countries to solve problems or manage competing interests has atrophied.

To address these challenges, the incoming administration will need to develop new thinking on how most effectively to address the myriad challenges and opportunities of the U.S.-China relationship. Whether for strengthening coordination with allies on China, addressing security challenges, or advancing American interests in the areas of economics, technology, and rule of law, fresh ideas will be needed to adapt American policy to meet the competitive and complex nature of U.S.-China relations.

The Paul Tsai China Center at Yale Law School, directed by Paul Gewirtz, and the John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings, directed by Cheng Li, have drawn upon the expertise and experiences of their scholars and other outside experts to compile a monograph geared toward providing policy recommendations for the next administration. Edited by Ryan Hass, Ryan McElveen, and Robert D. Williams, the monograph offers array of affirmative and pragmatic proposals for how the United States should adapt its policy toward China to respond to current realities in a manner that best protects and promotes America’s security, prosperity, interests, and values.

Ryan Hass encourages the next administration to settle on a pace and level of diplomatic interaction with Chinese leaders that is reflective of — or not in conflict with — the views of the American public and of American allies and partners on China.

Paul Gewirtz identifies five promising areas for collaboration with European allies:economic issues, technology issues, human rights, reinvigorating the international system, and climate change.

Thomas J. Christensen notes that the failure of Washington and Beijing to cooperate during the COVID-19 crisis has increased the suffering of the Chinese and American populations and urges a new U.S. administration to take steps to adjust its approach.

Todd Stern observes that reviving climate coordination will depend both upon getting the mix of competition and collaboration right in the overall relationship and upon the extent to which both countries are prepared to dramatically ramp up their climate action.

Andrew J. Nathan argues that human rights have grown in importance in the U.S.-China relationship and that U.S. policy on China must be updated to demonstrate America’s strong, consistent, and patient support for Chinese human rights defenders and change advocates.

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