- 申请人应学风严谨,遵守法纪及职业道德规范。
- 申请人应具有博士学位,年龄40周岁以下(含40周岁),一般具有2年以上工作经历。
- 申请人应在所从事领域已取得突出的学术业绩,为同龄人中的拔尖人才,已获得学术界同行的高度认可。
- 申请人应具有广阔的学术视野和创新思维,具备成为所从事领域领军人才的潜质。
- 4月16日上午:西安交通大学主论坛
- 4月16日下午-4月18日:分论坛活动,具体时间由各学院(部)确定
电话:+86 29 8896 6336,+86 29 8266 6336
中国西部科技创新港以“国家使命担当、全球科教高地、服务陕西引擎、创新驱动平台、智慧学镇示范”为目标,主动探索21世纪现代大学与社会发展相融合的新模式、新形态和新经验,推动创新链、产业链、资金链、政策链深度融合。2019年9月创新港已投入使用,这里将集聚不少于3万人的科技创新创业人才,吸引不少于500家国内外知名企业在此设立研发中心、技术创新联盟。依托创新港正在推进实施“6352”工程,“政产学研用金” 等6方面资源要素进入创新港,建设“现代产业、未来技术、丝路国际”3个学院(孵化器),营造政策、金融、服务、配套和法律(知识产权)等5种生态环境,打造“创投、交易”2个支撑平台,培养适应新时代发展需要的创新型人才,探索产学研深度融合有效举措、创新路径,形成西部人才高地。
1. 青年拔尖人才:具有博士学位,年龄一般不超过40周岁,取得突出学术业绩,具备成为领军人才的潜质者均可申请。本计划设置“教授”和“特聘研究员”两个岗位。
2. 薪酬待遇:学校为教授岗位入选者提供45万元年薪,为特聘研究员入选者提供30万年薪。
3. 工作条件:学校为入选者提供自然科学类200万以上、人文社会科学类50万以上科研经费。享受35万元(税后)安家费,提供人才公寓。按照国家有关规定享受社会保险和住房公积金。为子女提供本地区最优质的就学条件。
The 7 th SRIS
The 7th Silk Road International Spring Symposium for Distinguished Young Scholars
April 16-18, 2021, Xi’an, China
Looking forward to your participation!
1. Introduction of SRIS
Silk Road International Symposium(SRIS)is an extraordinary communicating event for academic and professional development which is held by Xi'an Jiaotong University(XJTU)for outstanding young scholars from all over the world. Meanwhile, XJTU would also like to take this opportunity to facilitate the communication and collaboration between the invited scholars and XJTU faculties, present XJTU's talents recruitment schemes and attract interested distinguished scholars to join XJTU.
XJTU has already held the SRIS six times since 2015. In total, around 1500 distinguished young scholars who came from more than 30 countries and regions have been invited to participate this extraordinary event.
SRIS 2021 will be held through webcast, online conference, etc.
2. Application Requirements
Applicants should be dedicated to research, law abiding and ethical.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree, be under the age of 40(including 40)and generally have more than 2 years of working experience.
Applicants should have achieved outstanding academic accomplishments and high reputation in their research field, having earned recognition in the scholarly community.
Applicants should have a broad academic vision and innovative thinking with enormous potential for future leadership in their research field.
3. Registration
Applicants could log on to SRIS website at http://sris.xjtu.edu.cn/English for online registration and uploading his/her curriculum vitae(CV)in Word or PDF format. The CV should include the following information:personal information(including education and work experiences), research interests, academic achievements(including list of publications), and other information deemed necessary by the applicants. The uploaded CV can be either in English or in Chinese.
Application Deadline for SRIS 2021:Apr. 10th, 2021
4. Schedule
Apr.16th -18th:Keynote Session; Parallel Sessions.
5. Other Information
For more information about XJTU, please visit website: http://en.xjtu.edu.cn/.
6. Introduction of XJTU
XJTU, as one of the first universities entering China's "211 Project" and “985 Project”, is selected to be developed into a global first-class university. XJTU is a comprehensive research university with scientific focus. It is composed of 10 branches of disciplines, namely:science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, literature, law, philosophy, education and art. In recent years, XJTU focuses on national strategy, vigorously promoting the establishment of the Western China Science & Technology Innovation Harbour, which is designed to be an innovative unit with a union of “campus, industrial zone and community”, a combination of technologies and services, and a linking center of science, technology and industry. Now, XJTU is on the List of World-class Universities and First-class Disciplines(abbreviated as “Double First-class”)released in 2017 by Ministry of Education of China, as a Double First-class university in Category A, which means that the government will support it financially to develop into a world-class university, and its eight disciplines into the first-class level in the world.
7. Position
Top Young Talents Programme:
The applicant should hold a PhD degree and be under the age of 40(including 40);
Physically and mentally healthy;
The Applicant should have achieved outstanding academic accomplishments and have the potential to be leaders in their research fields.
In this plan, there are two kinds of posts:"professor" and "special appointed researcher".
(微信号:XJTU_ SRIS)