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UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币
2022/3/14 11:59:52 | 浏览:1520 | 评论:2

UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币

UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币


UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币

UWest, UCI Paul Merage商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办

UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币

Dr. Rod Garrett

专题研讨会 加密货币--


413星期三,晚700-830 Rod Garrett博士, UCSB教授

纽约联储备银 前副

413星期三,晚700-830, Rod Garrett博士他将在西來大学(UWest)作专题演讲-“在加密货币时代重新思考货币

Garrett博士曾担任加州大学圣巴巴拉分校Maxwell C.和Mary Pellish系主任,现在是经济学教授。他曾担任国际清算银行的技术顾问,英格兰银行的研究顾问,并且是纽约联邦储备银行(FRBNY)的前副总裁。在FRBNY任职期间,他共同领导了联邦储备系统的虚拟货币工作组。离开这个职位后,他为加拿大支付部和R3咨询了Project Jasper:使用分布式账本技术的批发银行间支付系统的概念证明。Garratt教授还是罗汉堂研究院的研究员,罗汉堂研究院是由阿里巴巴集团(中国)发起的开放研究机构,由全球社会学、经济学、心理学等领域顶尖学者共同发起,一起研究与科技创新伴生的社会经济形态变化等课题,其中包括七位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者。 Garratt教授在滑铁卢大学获得学士学位,在康奈尔大学获得博士学位。他在顶级期刊上发表过多篇论文,包括《计量经济学》、《美国经济评论》和《政治经济学杂志》。他是《金融市场基础设施杂志》、《金融与数字金融网络理论杂志》的副主编。


本次研讨会由UWest, UCI Paul Merage商学院和河北省社会科学院联合举办,Rosemead商会合作, 并由尼泊尔应用商学院和中国的以下组织协办排名不分先后:中央财经大学保险学院、北京外国语大学国际商学院、河南大学工商管理学院、南昌大学经济管理学院、上海对外经贸大学金融学院、绍兴文理学院商学院、中国精算研究院、美中教育协会上海创新中心、四川风险科学与应急管理研究会。

要参加研讨会者, 请联系陈博士, billchen@uwest.edu。西來大学是一所美國西部大学联盟(WASC)认证的私立大学,位于Rosemead市。 可颁发国际学生 I-20,工商管理系设有本科,工商管理硕士(MBA)等学位,并设有硕士后(Post-MBA) 证书课程; 联系电话:(626571-8811; 网址:www.uwest.edu     

UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币

UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币


UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币

Jointly Organized by

UWest, UCI Paul Merage School of Business & Hebei Academy of Social Sciences

UWest, UCI商学院和河北省社会科学院 联合举办专题研讨会:加密货币

Dr. Rod Garrett

Special Seminar on

Rethinking Money in the Age of Cryptocurrencies

Wednesday, April 13, 7:00-8:30pm

Professor Rod Garratt, UCSB

Former VP, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Dr. Rod Garrett is invited to give a special seminar on “Rethinking Money in the Age of Cryptocurrencies”, at University of the West(UWest), Wednesday, April 13, 7-8:30pm.

Dr. Garrett was the Maxwell C. and Mary Pellish Chair and now is the Professor in Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has served as a Technical Advisor to the Bank for International Settlements, a Research Advisor to the Bank of England and is a former Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York(FRBNY). During his time at the FRBNY he co-led the Virtual Currency Working Group for the Federal Reserve System. After leaving this position he consulted for Payments Canada and R3 on Project Jasper:a proof of concept for a wholesale interbank payment system that uses distributed ledger technology. Professor Garratt is also the Fellow of the Luohan Academy, an open research institute initiated by the Alibaba Group Inc., China and launched by world-renowned social scientists, including seven Nobel Prize laureates in Economics.

Professor Garratt received his BA from the University of Waterloo and his PhD from Cornell University. He has published in the top journals, including Econometrica, the American Economic Review and the Journal of Political Economy. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, the Journal of Network Theory in Finance and Digital Finance.

During the lecture, Prof. Garrett will share his many years of research and work experience on the cryptocurrency, especially its developments and effects and discuss the relevant challenges and issues that the global society needs to face and deal with.

This seminar is jointly organized by the UWest, UCI Paul Merage School of Business and Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, partnered with Rosemead Chamber of Commerce and co-organized by the College of Applied Business, Nepal and the following ones in China:School of Insurance of Central University of Finance and Economics, Int’l Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Henan University School of Business Administration, Nanchang University College of Economics and Management, Finance School of Shanghai University of Int’l Business and Economics, Business School of Shaoxing University, China Academy of Actuarial Sciences, American Chinese Education Association Shanghai Innovation Center, and Sichuan Risk Science and Emergency Management Research Association.

To reserve a seat and access to the seminar, please contact Dr. Bill Y. Chen at billchen@uwest.edu. UWest is a private, accredited university, located at 1409 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770; Tel.(626)571-8811; website:www.uwest.edu.


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Academy of Art University说:留言于2022-03-25 04:19:29(第1条)
Interested in attending the Academy of Art University in San Francisco? Join their virtual information sessions on the following dates to learn more:

Monday, March 28th from 11am to 1pm
Thursday, April 21st from 11am to 1pm
Wednesday, May 4th from 11am to 1pm

Zoom Link: https://art.zoom.us/j/9254855873
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