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《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息
2022/10/8 15:55:49 | 浏览:907 | 评论:1
《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息


October news include exciting releases, collaborations, studies and many events!

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

New Pediatric Ultrasound

Coming to ACEP and AAP, the new Pediatric Ultrasound simulator joins the Ultrasound Mentor Family and provides a new training opportunity.

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

Collaboration with ASGE

Surgical Science and ASGE will collaborate to co-develop simulation-based curricula for advanced GI Endoscopy, to be featured on the GI Mentor simulators.

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

ESVS-Endorsed EVAR Course

This first-of-its-kind EVAR program, a collaboration between ESVS and CAMES(Denmark), includes mandatory elearning and hands-on training using the Simbionix ANGIO Mentor.

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

Renewed RobotiX Platform

All the benefits of RobotiX Mentor in a single, stand-alone platform providing the most realistic training experience.

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

GE C-arm Integration Video

ANGIO LabConnect allows to safely practice interventions in a real environment using ANGIO Mentor, integrated with the GE Allia imaging system. 

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

BRONCH Mentor Study Wins

In a study presented at ERS and DSSH, where it won 1st prize, a bronchoscopy simulation training program resulted in improved performance with halved procedure time. 

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

New ANGIO Mentor Flex Pro

The next generation is here:An ultra-portable, easy-to-use and highly customizable endovascular line of simulators.

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

Collaborative Activities at ERS22

BRONCH proctored training at the ERS Clinical Skills Zone, Thoracic Ultrasound courses and Thoracic Ultrasound OSCE testing as part of the ERS training program.

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

ACVS Veterinary Course

A first-of-its-kind advanced laparoscopic skills workshop proctored by Prof. Boel Fransson, at ACVS, Portland, OR, Oct. 12t. This is a step toward a Canine Lap Chole Curriculum integration on the LAP Express.

《Surgical Science 外科科学》:金秋即时讯息

Coming to October Events

U/S Mentor @ SDMS and AAP, U/S Mentor and PERC Mentor Suite @ACEP and ASA, LapSim, LAP Express and LapSim @ ACVS, ENDO Mentor Suite, Bronch Express and U/S Mentor @ CHEST, ENDO Mentor Suite, RobotiX Mentor, LAP Mentor and GI Mentor @ ACS, LAPSim and Simball Box @ Norwegian GYN Society.



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UCR Brain Game Center说:留言于2022-10-20 14:00:22(第1条)
Dear Colleague,

Can you help us recruit participants for an NIH funded study run by Aaron Seitz (Professor of Psychology at UC Riverside) and Susanne Jaeggi (Professor of Education at UC Irvine)? We use a citizen science approach that is designed to understand different variants of working memory training to improve mental functions. The software is created by the UCR Brain Game Center for Mental Fitness and Well-being, which is a university based non-profit research center that develops and researches software programs to help people understand and improve their brain''''s fitness. We seek 30,000 participants 18 years or older and participation can be done on their own phone or tablet at home. To read more about the study, please see our article in Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/does-brain-training-actually-work/

Please help us reach our recruitment goal by forwarding the information between the dashed lines to your students and colleagues. We are also creating a new Cognitive Health Initiative Research Partnership, CHIRP, which is a research initiative that aims to connect research and the community in advancing our understanding and treatment of cognitive health across the lifespan. Please see the following link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/14FjrrzFsZsgU02S__LhJlVXTKd3MsSHZ/view?usp=sharing) and if you are interested then please contact: Audrey Carrillo at audrey.carrillo@ucr.edu.
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