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2022/12/6 14:41:48 | 浏览:3662 | 评论:2


       1. A类为在外学习人员,具体要求为:
       2. B类为拟回国工作人员,包括应届博士毕业生和即将完成博士后研究人员,具体要求为:
       3. 曾获得该奖学金、享受过或正在享受国家留学基金资助人员的申请不予受理。
       1. 评选采取“总领馆限额推荐、国家留学基金委差额评审”的办法。
       2. 为体现“公开、公正、公平”原则,评选工作按照“个人申请、总领馆初审、国家留学基金委终审”的程序进行。
       3. 洛杉矶总领馆教育处将对申请材料进行资格审查,组织专家初审,后将推荐人选名单报回由国家留学基金委组织国内专家进行终审。
       1. 个人申请实行网上申请。符合条件的申请人于北京时间2022年12月10日至2023年2月10日登录2022年度“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金管理系统”(http://yxzfs.csc.edu.cn)申请,并按要求提交电子材料(系统使用指南见附件1)。
       2. 本次申请不需寄送纸质申请材料。申请人于北京时间2023年2月11日前打印申请表并签字确认,按要求将完整扫描电子版申请材料(材料清单及要求详见附件2)和申请人信息表(附件3、Excel格式)发送至educationsection@gmail.com

       附件:1. 2022年度“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金管理系统” 使用指南
                 2. 2022年度“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”项目申请注意事项
                 3. 申请人信息表


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留言于2023-01-27 16:34:12(第2条)
Oxford International Round Table Symposium说:留言于2023-01-27 16:34:07(第1条)
We hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday season. We just wanted to send a reminder that our session of the 2023 Oxford International Round Table Symposium on Educational Issues and Trends, March 12-16, 2023 to be held at Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England will be closing registration on January 15, 2023.

Membership is limited to approximately thirty-five (35) interdisciplinary scholars who have a particular interest in this subject. You are invited and encouraged to make a presentation and to provide a paper on a relevant aspect of the topic, however, your participation as a member of the Round Table is not contingent thereon. Papers considered for publication in the Forum on Public Policy are evaluated by peer reviewers as to technical and substantive quality and for potential to make a significant contribution to new knowledge in the field. The conference will run from Sunday night through Thursday morning.

Included in the fee:
Sunday, Monday and Wednesday Receptions before dinner
Sunday, Monday and Wednesday Three Course Dinner in the Medieval Dining Hall
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Lunches in the Medieval Dining Hall
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Full English Breakfast
Lodging in the Dormitories for the nights of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (checking out on Thursday after breakfast)
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Meetings
Tea/Coffee/Biscuit breaks during the meeting
Walking Tour of Oxford
Blenheim Palace Tour
Costs associated with the Round Table are borne by the invitee or the invitee’s institution or organization and can be found on our website at www.internationalroundtablesymposiums.co.uk . Should you be unable to attend, we would welcome your nomination of a colleague to attend in your place.

Alternatively, we have other topics and session dates that may better fit your schedule:
Educational Trends and Issues March 12-16, 2023
Racial Literacy, Literature, Language and the Arts March 19-23, 2023
SPRING Deadlines:
Abstract submission: 15 January 2023
Early Registration: 15 January 2023
Regular Registration: After 15 January 2023
Educational Issues and Trends July 9-13, 2023
Women in Education July 9-13, 2023
Religion in History July 16-20, 2023
Environment and Climate Change July 16-20, 2023
SUMMER Deadlines:
Abstract submission: 15 April 2023
Early Registration: 15 April 2023
Regular Registration: After 15 April 2023

Visit our conference website for additional details including abstract submission, registration and publication information. We hope you will be able to join us in Oxford!

Oxford International Round Table Symposiums
266 Banbury Road, Suite 200, Oxford OX2 7DL, United Kingdom
Email: shenette@internationalroundtablesymposims.co.uk
Web Site: www.internationalroundtablesymposiums.co.uk
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