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UCLA:A Comparative Study of Religious Communication and Political Power in Early Chinese and the Mayan Civilizations
2023/5/20 18:08:39 | 浏览:3196 | 评论:1

UCLA:A Comparative Study of Religious Communication and Political Power in Early Chinese and the Mayan Civilizations


A Comparative Study of Religious Communication and Political Power in Early Chinese and the Mayan Civilizations


UCLA:A Comparative Study of Religious Communication and Political Power in Early Chinese and the Mayan Civilizations

Monday, May 22, 2023
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Young Research Library Main Conference Room 11360

Opening remarks by Lothar von Falkenhausen(UCLA)

Presentations(1:00-4:30, 20 min each)

Li Xinwei(Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)Insect Metamorphosis in Prehistoric China

Karl Taube(University of California Riverside)People of Corn:Maize Imagery and Symbolism among the Classic Maya

Mayfair Yang(University of California Santa Barbara)Mauss or Bataille? Gift, Sacrifice, and Feasting Across China and the Northwest Coast

Ge Yun(University of California Riverside)Relational Ontology of Public Buildings and Human in the Rise of Political Power--A Comparison between Aguada Fenix and Hongshan Culture

Yifan Wang(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)The World is a Garden" --Human-Animal-Environment Relationships and Sustainability in Classic Maya and Early China

Coffee Break at 3 pm

Kellie Roddy(UCLA)Continuing Implications of Furst, Shamanism, and Ethnography in West Mexico

Wang Zichan(UCLA)Shamans and the Invisible Metal Workers in Early China:An Ethnohistorical Perspective

Kirie Stromberg(UCLA)Music and Political Authority in East Asian Prehistory:A Comparative Perspective

Round Table Discussion with Panelists(4:30-6:00 pm):
Lothar von Falkenhausen(UCLA)
Jason De Leon(UCLA)
Stella Nair(UCLA)
Li Min(UCLA)

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ICSPAH说:留言于2023-05-23 07:18:45(第1条)
Dear Valued Member,

The 2023 ICSPAH Annual Virtual Conference will take place this week (May 26–27, USA). We are sending out the most updated Conference Handbook for you to prepare your participation. Please read the Handbook carefully and let us know if you have any questions. Note that we require a membership for all attendees. To become a member of ICSPAH, please contact our Treasurer at xzhang@centenary.edu.

Thank you.

International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health

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