Hi, all friends of CSUN China Institute,
We like to invite you all to the ceremony that celebrates the collaboration between Chinese American Foundation(CAF, https://cafoundations.org/en/)and CSUN. CAF has made generous donations to CSUN’s Chinese Language program, and we look forward to more collaborations with CAF and the Chinese community in San Gabriel Valley on various fronts in the future. Many thanks to the support of the College of Humanities, and to Suren Seropian in particular for his invaluable effort, to make this event happen.
This event will be held at the Orchard Conference Center, located to the east of the University Bookstore complex, on Oct. 24, Tuesday, from 10:30 to 12:30. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Snacks and refreshments will be served. If you like to join us for lunch, please register in advance at your earliest convenience by sending an email to suren.seropian@csun.edu .
Many thanks, and we look forward to seeing you soon!