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美国会议员赵美心:Left behind
2023/11/28 19:17:15 | 浏览:2237 | 评论:0
美国会议员赵美心:Left behind


Dear Zhenying,

Families of the victims of gun violence. 

Women in a nation without the right to an abortion.

Eligible voters who face layers of disenfranchisement.

These groups are only a fraction of the millions of Americans who are being left behind every single day by our modern Republican Party, controlled by MAGA extremists. 

Somewhere along the line, the Republican Party decided that appealing to extremist views and holding on to power at all costs were more important than anything else. This has led them to ignore decades of research that shows assault rifle bans save lives and that access to abortion is life-saving medical care. This has also motivated their decades of attacks on voters, making it nearly impossible for voters of color, especially, to gain their rightful representation.

I cannot stress this enough. To build a country where our community members no longer feel the daily trauma that comes with the ongoing threat of gun violence, a country where all are given the right to make their own decisions about their health care, and a true democracy, we must do everything in our power to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in 2024.

I want to live in a world where all are free from the devastating burdens our Republican Party puts on Americans.

Do you?


Judy Chu | AMB Consulting

1531 Purdue Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025


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