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Represent Your Program at the 2024 AMS Online Fall Graduate School Fair
2024/8/15 13:37:41 | 浏览:1133 | 评论:0

Represent Your Program at the 2024 AMS Online Fall Graduate School Fair

Represent Your Program at the 2024 AMS Online Fall Graduate School Fair

Dear Department Chair,


Reserve a booth at the 2024 AMS Online Fall Graduate School Fair, Wednesday, October 9, 2024, to connect with eager mathematics students considering their next steps for their future studies.


The fair will be hosted on the virtual platform vFairs, a top-tier and user-friendly event management platform that includes:

  • Booth setup training for exhibitors and access to booths prior to the event
  • Easy uploading of program infographics and documents for attendees
  • Access for students up to three months after the event to explore and connect with program.

The event will begin at 12 p.m. ET(9 a.m. PT)with a kickoff panel to help students effectively navigate and network at the fair while providing strategies for applying to graduate programs in mathematics.


The exhibit hall will be open from 1 to 6 p.m. ET(10 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT). There is no restriction on the number of faculty and graduate student representatives who will staff your booth and you will be able to schedule booth shifts in advance. Students will be able to see the full schedule of your booth coverage to plan accordingly.


Pricing is $200 for a booth($140 for AMS institutional members). After the AMS confirms your booth reservation, vFairs will contact your primary representative regarding setup and access to the platform.

Reserve a Booth by October 2

Please encourage your undergraduate, bridge/postbac, and master’s students to sign up today for free!

You can also help spread the word by sharing this flyer (PDF)and sharing information about this event on your own social media channels and in department communications.


 Represent Your Program at the 2024 AMS Online Fall Graduate School Fair

Sarah Bryant, PhD

Director of Programs

American Mathematical Society

201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2213 USA

Phone:401-455-4000 worldwide;

800-321-4267 in the USA and Canada


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