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Call for Candidates of 2025 ICSPAH Executive Council Officers
来源:International Chinese Society for Physical Activit | 2025/2/20 2:08:39 | 浏览:16 | 评论:0

To facilitate professional growth
To strengthen research and education in international communities
To promote healthy and physically active lifestyles
According to the Constitution of ICSPAH, five ICSPAH Executive Council officers will end their service
terms immediately after the 2025 ICSPAH General Assembly meeting. Election for the four ICSPAH
Executive Council officers will take place during the 2025 ICSPAH General Assembly meeting, which will
be held in June 2025(Date TBD). We are pleased to call for candidates for the following positions:
1. President-Elect:This is a key leadership position for a three-year term(president-elect, president, and
immediate past-president)with a voting power and requires the candidate to demonstrate a strong
commitment to ICSPAH. The nominee should have been an active ICSPAH member in the last three years
by May of 2025. Preferred candidate may have had experience to serve an office either in ICSPAH or other
professional associations.
2. Secretary:This is a two-year leadership position and possible one-term extension with a voting power.
Thenominee should have been an active ICSPAH member in the last three years by May of 2025.
3. Treasurer:This is a three-year leadership position and possible extension of two terms with a voting
power. The nominee should have been an active ICSPAH member in the last three years by May of 2025.
4. Business Manager:This is a three-year leadership position and possible extension of multiple terms with
non-voting status. The nominee should have been an active ICSPAH member in the last three years by May
of 2025.
5. Student Representative:This is a one-year position of Executive Council member with non-voting status.
The candidate must be a currently enrolled graduate student(Master or Doctoral)in an institution of higher
education for at least one year. He or she should have been an active ICSPAH member in the year of 2024.
Each candidate must carefully read the ICSPAH Constitution and Bylaws to know the philosophy,
objectives, structure, responsibilities of the positions of ICSPAH and must be willing to carry out the duties
voluntarily to serve the society. Please access the Constitution and Bylaws by clicking the link:https://www.
Any officer position above can be self-nominated and nominated by other. Nominations for the five officer
positions will be closed by March 1, 2025
International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health
To facilitate professional growth
To strengthen research and education in international communities
To promote healthy and physically active lifestyles
Please send them to Dr. Weiyun Chen, Chair of the Nominating and Credential Committee of ICSPAH via
1. A brief election statement indicating the position you are interested in a specific position, your commitment
 to serve if elected, and your goals/strategic plans to further develop and promote the ICSPAH(a short
paragraph with no more than 300 words).2. A one-page CV in English.
3. A one-page CV in Chinese.
The candidates must attend the General Assembly meeting of ICSPAH in 2025. The following materials
should be submitted by the deadline of March 15, 2025
Nominating and Credential Committee of ICSPAH

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