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作者:陈岳云 | 2025/3/7 7:17:01 | 浏览:261 | 评论:0
近日,美国洛杉矶西来大学工商管理系主任、终身教授陈岳云博士, 和洛杉矶加州州立大学助理教授 Nika Qiao 博士联合撰写的论文, 已发表在同行评审的学术期刊 – Journal of Applied Business and Economics上。这是论文的链接: https://articlegateway.com/index.php/JABE/article/view/7525/7114
  论文利用世界银行的数据以及国内生产总值(GDP)的支出和附加值测量方法,对日本经济发展的贡献因素进行了综合分析。在支出模式中,个人消费和投资对日本经济增长的贡献最大,而劳动率和服务业生产率在增值模式中贡献最重要。此外,论文研究考察了这些经济因素的变化,以探讨它们对日本经济的影响。 然后,本文根据日本的经验讨论了中国的经验教训。当前的全球经济状况与 1950 年代和 1980 年代不同。中国的人口是日本的 11 倍多,其国内市场远大于日本。然而,所有国家在其工业化、现代化和城市化阶段都面临着类似的挑战和问题。存在类似的经济发展目标,例如保持快速增长、增加出口和吸引外国投资。 还有类似的政府经济政策,例如利用财政和货币政策来刺激经济增长。因此,中国应该吸取日本的经验和教训, 避免重蹈日本的覆辙。
Professor Bill Chen Published a Paper on Japanese Economy
A paper jointly written by Dr. Bill Y. Chen, Professor of Business Administration, UWest and Dr. Nika Qiao, Assistant Professor, California State University, Los Angeles, has been published by a peer-reviewed academic journal –Journal of Applied Business and Economics. This journal is on the Australian Business Deans(ABDC)list along with other lists/indexes. Here is the link for the paper:
The paper comprehensively analyzes factors contributing  to  Japan’s  economic  development  using  World  Bank  data  and  both expenditure and value-added approaches of gross domestic product measurement. Personal consumption and investment contributed the most to Japan’s economic growth in the expenditure model, while the labor rate and service industry productivity were the most important in the value-added model. Further, this study examines changes in these economic factors to explore their impact on Japan’s economy.
The paper then discusses lessons for China based on Japan’s experiences. The current global economic conditions differ from those of the 1950s and 1980s. China’s population is more than 11 times that of Japan and its domestic markets are much larger than Japan’s. However, all countries face similar challenges and issues during their industrialization, modernization, and urbanization stages. Similar economic development targets exist, such as maintaining rapid growth, increasing exports, and  attracting  foreign  investment.  There are  also  similar  governmental  economic  actions  such as  using fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate economic growth. Therefore, China should learn from Japan to avoid repeating the mistakes made by Japan.
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