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2011/2/13 13:54:01 | 浏览:2383 | 评论:0

“Physical Education and Sport:Challenges and Future Directions”

June 8-11, 2011

East China Normal University

Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China

Co-HostsThe International Society for Comparative Physical Education & Sport(ISCPES)and West Virginia University, College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences.

International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport(ISCPES)

The International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport was founded in 1978 at the First International Seminar on Comparative Physical Education and Sport Held at the Wingate Institute in Israel. ISCPES is a research and educational organization which purpose is to support, encourage and provide assistance to those seeking to initiate and strengthen research and teaching programs in comparative physical education and sport throughout the world.

Conference Theme:The conference theme is “Physical Education and Sport:Challenges and Future Directions”. The conference presentations will address current educational practice and future directions in physical education and sport across the world. The purpose is for attendees to gain an understanding and appreciation of the unique and shared challenges and opportunities for quality P-12, community, and university physical education and sport programming that exist around the world.

Conference Topics:The conference will accept papers related to teaching, coaching, and administration/management in physical education and sport in a broad range of areas. Examples of these topics will include:

  1. National policies, culture, standards, and reform in physical education, sport, and sport management.
  2. Quality P-12, university, and community-based physical education, sport, and sport management programs.
  3. Teaching and coaching effectiveness and assessment in physical education, sport, and sport management.
  4. Physical education teacher, coaching, and sport management education:problems and practices.
  5. Collaboration and conflict between physical education, sport, and sport management.
  6. School, community, and business partnerships in physical education, sport, and sport management.
  7. Gender, race, ethnicity, religious, and equity issues in physical education, sport, and sport management.

Scope of Conference:The conference will solicit papers from all corners of the world. A call for papers and invited keynote presentations will guarantee representation from Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Central and South America, Eastern Europe and Russia, Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and North America.

Call for papers:A call for papers will be held in 2010 for paper, poster, and roundtable presentations. The deadline is 2011-03-15.

Registration:The conference will be extremely affordable. A $350 registration fee($300 for ISCPES members)will cover three breakfasts, three lunches, an end-of-conference banquet, all conference transportation, and of course, the conference. Student registration is $150.

Lodging:Single and double rooms will be available for $70.00, $40.00 or $30.00 a night. As a bonus may come early or stay after the conference at this price!

Conference Highlights

  1. Tour of East China Normal University
  2. Dinner and social activities in downtown Shanghai
  3. Program of scholars from around the world


华东师范大学和 Schoars Net 欢迎您!

Contact Information

East China Normal University
Dr. Xiaozan Wang
Email:iscpes2011@163.com( for paper )

West Virginia University
Dr. Lynn Housner,
Website of conference http://www.iscpes.ecnu.edu.cn/

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