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專題研討會(英文)進入新市場技巧與策略(西來大學 1/14)
2009/12/8 16:41:26 | 浏览:2419 | 评论:0

主講人: Murray Johannsen教授
2010年1月14日星期四 晚上6:30~8:00


  這次研討會將由Murray Johannsen先生主講。Johannsen先生擁有自己的顧問公司(Legacee Corporate Services Inc.),為本地和國際公司在管理方面等提供專業的諮詢服務,他有多年在管理及領導方面的諮詢經驗,過去也曾輔導過政府人員及Furtune 500大企業的主管,例如Bechtel, Hughes, Northrup-Grumman, Well Point,和Lockheed-Martin等。目前任教於西來大學、UCLA、Pepperdine University及南韓首爾大學。Johannsen先生在哈佛大學獲取心理學學位,在IOWA大學獲取工商管理碩士學位。


  研討會免費開放,歡迎大家踴躍參加。西來大學地址:1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770。如有任何問題,請電:(626)-571-8811 轉125分機。

Seminar on Market Entry Techniques

Thursday, January 14, 6:30-8:00 p.m., 2010
Murray Johannsen, President of Legacee Inc.
UWest Conference Room

Startups and small-medium sized enterprises have one thing in common--the need to market to new market niches, whether that niche is a domestic one or one overseas. It is essential to learn how to avoid most common market entry factors that result in dismal sales and lost opportunities. This seminar concentrates on the practical promotional tools designed for business owners and others charged with generating leads and growing revenue.

Mr. Murray Johannsen is the President of Legacee Corporate Services Inc. which provides professional consulting services in business and management for local and international companies. He has taught on-site classes in management and leadership to managers from government agencies and Fortune 500 organizations such as Bechtel, Hughes, Northrup-Grumman, Well Point, and Lockheed-Martin. Mr. Johannsen is an adjunct professor at UWest. He teaches at UCLA, and Korea University, Seoul. He has an MBA from the University of Iowa and a B. A. in Psychology from Harvard University.

The seminar is organized by the Center for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business Administration at UWest.

The lecture is free of charge to the public. UWest is located in Rosemead, 1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue (turn right off Fwy 60, exit at San Gabriel). Please call (626) 571-8811, ext. 125 to reserve seating.

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