陳鈞銘教授(408-718-6628),僑联海外顧問,K.M. Chan, Ph.D.
Hong Kong University Alumni Association
22nd Annual Convention年會议程
Date, Time, Place:
Friday, May 6, 2011, 6:30 pm at NBC Seafood Restaurant
404 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park, California, 91754
8:00 pm Key note speech
Dr. Hung-Hsiang Chou, Ph D, 周鴻翔教授Asso. Professor, Asian Language and Culture, UCLA
“Dr. Sun Yat-sen – the Person, the University, the History” 孫中山 - 偉人、大學、歷史
2011 marks the Centenary of HKU and China’s 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The key note speech will explore the relationship between Dr. Sun Yat-sen and HKU, and how the role and position of HKU have evolved in the past century
2011年為港大百年校慶,也是辛亥革命一百週年,是年 週年大會主題以緬懷革命家孫中山校友及1911年辛亥革命與港大創校的關連,剖析香港大學起初是否為中國而立?為甚麼要為中國而立?
8:45 pm Slide Presentation (历史图像演示)
Dr. Kenneth Chan, M.D. 陳文健醫生Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, USC; M.D., Miami
“His medical mission to Guizhou and the ‘Beautiful Shangrila’ of Yunnan and Sichuan, China” (他曾参加到貴州的醫療服務團隊; 访问美麗風光 — 雲南及四川的香格里拉)
Dr. Kenneth Chan came to US to attend college after finishing Form 6 at St. Paul’s College in Hong Kong. He is now a Board Certified Internist practicing in San Gabriel. He earned his M.D. degree from University of Miami and completed his medical residency at UCLA. Prior to his medical career, Dr. Chan has earned 3 Master degrees and a Ph.D. degree, in various fields of Engineering, from Caltech and USC, and he has worked in the petroleum industry for 6 years after graduation.
Dinner Cost $35 per person. Invited guests of Prof. Kwan Ming and Karen Chan are complimentary, expenses covered. Pre-registration before April 30, 2011 is required, no same day walk-in.