Dean of Faculty of Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Established in 1911, The University of Hong Kong, as a leading intemational institution of higher leaming in Asia, strives to attract and nurture outstanding scholars from around the world through excellence and innovation in teaching and leaming, research and knowledge exchange, contributing to the advancement of society and the development of leaders through a global presence, regional significance and engagement with the rest of China. The University, with English as the medium of instruction, attracts the best students from around the world and has a fine tradition of nurturing research postgraduate students. Today, the University has more than 1,500 academic staff affiliated within ten Faculties and sub-divisions of studies and leaming, and, over 20,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students from 48 countries.
The Faculty of Engineering
For 100 years, the Faculty, as one of the two founding Faculties, has been making significant contributions to Hong Kong and the engineering community worldwide by nuturing top-rated engineers and research innovation. Its mission is to train world-class engineering leaders through research and innovative education, and to facilitate technology transfer that impacts the development of Hong Kong and the region. The Faculty has a total of about 1 ,600 undergraduates, 1,000 MSc students and 500 research postgraduates, with around 150 academic staff in its establishment.
Additional information about the University of Hong Kong and the Faculty of Engineering can be found at http://www.hku.hk and http://engg.hku.hk.
The Position
The Dean will provide strong leadership in all aspects of Faculty developments, strategic planning and their implementation, sustain the Faculty as one of the leading intemational centres of technology, and lead the Faculty to excel to the highest level of excellence. He/She will also be responsible for furthering the University's mission, strengthening academic collaboration with local and intemational organizations, and fostering support of the Faculty from the community.
Candidate Profile
The primary qualifications for this position include:excellent track record of scholarly achievement, teaching and intemational research reputation; outstanding ability in university administration and management of human and financial resources. He/she must possess strong organizational and team-building skills and be able to inspire and lead a Faculty with diverse interests. Knowledge of local and Pearl River Delta industrial environment will be advantageous. With the increasing importance of private funding in sustaining academic activities, the Dean is also expected to take a lead role in developing and implementing fund-raising strategies. The successful candidate must demonstrate a commitment to excellence in Engineering education and research and have a Vision for promoting technology in Hong Kong.
Application and Nomination
The University of Hong Kong invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of Engineering. All correspondence should be directed in confidence to the University's executive recruitment conSUltants. While applications and nominations will be received until the Dean is selected, interested parties are encouraged to submit their materials to the address below by 30 June 2011 to assure timely consideration:
Michelle Doo / Jenny Chung
Heidrick and Struggles
Suite 1408 Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
Phone:+852 2103 9347 | Email:hkudeaneng@heidrick.com