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澳洲来函:On the Appointment of VMC Commissioners
作者:Richard Wong | 2011/10/2 7:24:41 | 浏览:2270 | 评论:0

  It is heartening to know that the Victorian Government has recently announced the appointment of 12 Commissioners to the Victorian Multicultural Commission(VMC). Amongst them, there are two Commissioners of ethnic Chinese background. The two Commissioners, Mr. Chin Tan and Ms Marion Lau are members of CPBA. Mr. Tan is the past President of CPBA and he is appointed as the Chairperson of VMC.  Marion Lau has actively been involved in Victorian Ethnic Communities Council in different capacities for many years.

  In recent years, VMC has appointed commissioners of ethnic Chinese background.  This is the first time a Chinese is appointed as the Chairperson of VMC.  It shows that a number of our people are actively involved in the mainstream multicultural activities. Both Chin and Marion have done a lot of political, social and community work for many years. Their efforts are finally recognised.

  As Chairperson and Commissioners, they have a heavy responsibility to make significant contributions in consolidating and further developing the multicultural policies in Victoria. We sincerely hope that they will play an important role in the area of multiculturalism and promoting racial harmony in Victoria. 

  It is so good to see that Chin is given the opportunity to play a leading role in this important area. The 12 Commissioners are drawn from a wide ranging of people with vast knowledge, abilities and experiences. We look forward to seeing the new team of Commissioners move forward in promoting Victoria to be a vibrant and colourful multicultural and harmonious society. This will lead people to be optimistic and inspiring in further developing their cultures, languages, education, festivals and traditions as well as showing mutual respect  towards each other's cultures, happy and willing to learn, understand and appreciate other cultures. This will lay a good foundation for further integration of their social life.

  We take this opportunity to congratulate Chin Tan, Marion Lau and the other 10 important personalities to be appointed as the Commissioners of the VMC. We are sure they will work very hard to implement the multicultural policies to a higher level of achievements.  All community leaders have the same responsibilities and tasks to work within their communities in promoting the social integration, to realise the ideal of multiculturalism in Victoria as well as in Australia. It is hoped that the community leaders will support and work closely with VMC in the years to come.

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