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2011/10/18 3:18:10 | 浏览:1982 | 评论:0




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英國首位華人校長、現任英國諾丁漢大學校長楊福家,於21 25 日前往清華大學進行參訪。楊福家除以「教育的普世理念-兼談亞、歐、美的差異」發表專題演說,以及分享「英國大學行政結構的介紹」外,也將與清華學院的學生面對面座談,探討「科學之美與能量之源」。



2000 年英國諾丁漢大學董事會宣布,「諾丁漢推舉出一位國際校長」,聘任中國籍楊福家博士為校長,陳力俊說,在英國長達800 年的高等教育歷史上聘任華人擔任校長,這是史無前例。楊福家擔任諾丁漢大學校長以來,站在國際高等教育至高點上,對中國的高等教育多有建言,也深為政府當局所重視,對中國高等教育的現代化發展影響深遠。

除了在科學及教育的成就外,陳力俊認為,楊福家最令人感佩之處,他也是防核威脅國際組織(Nuclear Threat Initiative , NTI)的董事會重要成員之一,對人類福祉的關懷不遺餘力,積極推動降低及防止核武器對人類造成的威脅。陳力俊強調,清大在國際學術社群上已有一定的聲望,楊福家的造訪,是為雙方長久友好關係開啟一個肇端。

清大副校長馮達旋是促成本次楊福家造訪清大的關鍵人物之一。馮達旋表示,1979 年他與楊福家曾共事於哥本哈根大學(University of Copenhagen)的波爾所(Niels Bohr Institute),自此之後一直保持密切的聯繫。他說,楊福家具有高度的全球觀,他的造訪相信將為清大校園再掀另一個高視野的思辨風潮。

楊福家這次在台的行程緊湊,除了21 25 日在清大發表專題演說及與學生座談外,另外,24 日也特別安排於國家同步輻射中心以「上海光源的過去、現在與將來」進行專業演說。

楊福家是中國著名的核物理學家,1991 年當選中國科學院院士。他於1987 年至2001 年擔任中國科學院上海原子核研究所所長、1992 年至1996 年擔任上海市科學技術協會主席,1993 年至1999 年擔任上海復旦大學校長職務。他並於2001 接任英國諾丁漢大學的總校長及兼任寧波諾丁漢大學校長至今。




National Tsing Hua University will host
First Chinese Chancellor of a United Kingdom University Academician Fujia Yang(楊福家院士)



This will be the first visit to Taiwan by Chancellor Yang

Hsinchu, Taiwan October 18, 2011

From October 20-27, 2011, Invited by Academic ian Lih J. Chen(陳力俊校長)President of National Tsing Hua University(NTHU), Chancellor Fujia Yang of Britain’s Nottingham University and former president of Mainland’s elite university Fudan University, will have a lecture-giving visit to NTHU.

Chancellor Fujia Yang of the University of Nottingham

According to Academician Chen “while I have not met Chancellor Yang before, I am well aware of his enormous reputation from reading his writings about higher education. “ Academician Chen further elaborated that “it is no exaggeration that Chancellor Yang is a Renaissance man. First, he is a trail blazer as the first Chinese to become a Chancellor of a United Kingdom university, a country that has 800 years of higher education history. Second, as president of one of China’s best universities, Fudan University, he launched a fast globalization processes. Third, he is a strong voice for modernizing China’s higher education today. Fourth, together with Academicians Fang Shou-Xian(方守賢), Xian Ding-Chang(冼鼎昌) and Chen Sen-Yu(陳森玉), Yang were the architect of a state-of-the-art synchrotron facility for Shanghai, thus bringing this world renowned businesscentric city into the high-tech world.” “Perhaps the most impressive characteristic of Yang,“ elaborated further by Academician Chen, “is his palpable concern of humanity’s well being. As an important member of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, whose co-chairmen are Cable News Network(CNN)founder Ted Turner and former US Senator Sam Nunn, Yang seeks the mitigation of mankind’s nuclear weapons threat.” “As president of one of Taiwan’s most prestigious universities, I hope this visit will mark the beginning of a long lasting relationship between Yang and us,” concluded Chen. Itineraries of Academician Yang in NTHU and Hs inchu were meticulously coordinated by NTHU’s Office of International Affairs. and Hsinchu will include the following activities.

  1. A university-wide public speech on NTHU campus in the morning of the 21st of October. The title of the speech is “Higher Education in Asia:Present and Future.”
  2. A public speech in the afternoon of the 24th of October will be jointly organized by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center at the main lecture hall of the Center. The title of the speech is “The Impact of Ultrahigh(Synchrotron Radiation)Technologies impact on the economy of Shanghai.”
  3. A university-wide public speech on NTHU campus in the morning of the 25th of October. The title of the speech is “An Introduction of British Universities’ Administrative Structure.”
  4. A session with NTHU students in the evening of the 25th of October. The session is organized by Tsing-Hua College(清華學院.)The session theme is “The Beauty of Science and the Source of Energy:A Discussion with Tsing Hua University Students.”

As can be seen from this busy schedule, which was closely and collaboratively designed with Chancellor Yang, it is designed so that NTHU and surrounding communities can have maximum interactions. In 1979, NTHU’s Senior Vice President Da Hsuan Feng overlapped with Chancellor Yang at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen. Since then, the two have maintained close connection. Reflecting on this friendship of more than thirty years, Feng said:“I am exhilarated that my friend Fujia has accepted President Chen’s invitation to come to visit NTHU. It is gratifying for me that NTHU is the host of his first visit to Taiwan.” “With his Global views, his visit,” concluded Feng, “could be another paradigm transformation in the mindset of NTHU.”

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