University of the West(美國西來大學)是WASC認證的大學,設有宗教研究、工商管理、心理學、英語等學術專業,可以授與學士(BA)、碩士(MA, MBA, EMBA)、博士(Ph.D.)等學位。基於佛教的慈悲關懷,特別提供一項名為Lotus Scholarship的Financial Support,讓有意於2012-2013 academic year進入西來大學攻讀學位者申請。此項獎學金的金額分為一年$10,000和$5,000兩種,預計提供給150位學生;可以幫助學生繳交學費、膳宿費和其他費用。
本獎學金以一年申請一次,逐年審查為原則。2012-2013 academic year進入西來大學就讀學位並獲得獎學金者,大學生最多可以申請四年,從community colleges轉入的大學生最多可以申請二年,就讀碩士班的學生最多可以申請二年。(就讀本校博士班的學生,另有國際佛陀教育基金會專設的獎學金可供申請。)
University of the West為了鼓勵各種學生就讀,以增加校園的文化多元姓,這項獎學金特別分成國際學生組、本國學生組、佛光組、Rosemead居民組、高中畢業生組、社區學院組、高中教師組、社區學院教師組、非營利機構組等。
申請本獎學金者,須具備的資格條件是:申請$10,000者,GPA需達到3.75以上(若經由佛光山或其他道場推薦者,GPA需達到3.5以上);申請$5,000者,GPA需達到3.35以上(若經由佛光山或其他道場推薦者,GPA需達到3.0以上);而且必須是全時學生(full-time students),學士班每學期修讀達12學分,碩士班每學期修讀達9學分。國際學生申請本獎學金者,英語能力必須達到本校的錄取標準。
本獎學金的申請期限,分為兩個梯次:第一梯次申請者(總名額的75%),必須在2012年2月15日前提出,本校會在5月1日以前通知結果;第二梯次申請者(總名額的25%),必須在2012年4月1日前提出,本校會在6月1日以前通知結果。申請本獎學金時,連同本校的入學申請表(Application form for Admission)、財務支助申請表(UWest Financial Aid Application form)、最高學歷英文成績單;國際學生還要準備國際學生財務補助申請表(UWest International Student Supplemental Application for Financial Aid)、托福(TOEFL)或雅思(IELTS)成績單。
如需更多訊息,請洽Miss Fang,電話:626-571-8811分機138,或。網址
University of the West Lotus Scholarships
Thanks to a large number of generous donations, University of the West has recently created the Lotus Scholarship for new students entering the University. Students must meet the scholarship eligibility requirements and matriculate into University of the West in the 2012-2013 academic year. Returning or continuing students are currently not eligible to apply for this Lotus Scholarship(University of the West has set aside separate financial aid funding sources for returning or continuing students).
UWest anticipates awarding a total number of 150 Lotus Scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year. The Scholarship awards $5,000 or $10,000 annually to each student to cover his or her tuition, mandatory fees, room and board and other expenses required for attendance.
The Scholarship is available to new students seeking either Bachelor’s degrees or Master’s degrees at UWest. PhD students, ESL students or students seeking certificates only are not eligible for this Scholarship.
GPA Requirement:
- Lotus Gold Scholarship($10,000) - Minimum GPA 3.75 or international equivalent.(Minimum GPA 3.5 is required for students recommended by Fo Guang Shan or another recognized religious order).
- Lotus Silver Scholarship($5,000) - Minimum GPA 3.35 or international equivalent.(Minimum GPA 3.0 is required for students recommended by Fo Guang Shan or another recognized religious order).
- International students must meet the minimum UWest’s admission requirements on English Proficiency.
- To qualify for The Scholarship a student must carry a full-time credit load at UWest. This is defined as registering for, and successfully completing, a minimum of 12 credits each semester(24 credits per academic year)for undergraduates and 9 credits each semester(18 credits per academic year)for graduate students. Students must be pre-registered at the full-time credit level before the Scholarship fund can be made available to them.
For any questions regarding this Lotus scholarship, please contact UWest’s Financial Aid Office at 626-571-8811ext. 138 or e-mail to