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加州参议员Bob Huff生日晚会 邀请函(10/28 Pacific Palms)
加州参议员Bob Huff生日晚会 邀请函(10/28 Pacific Palms)
2011/10/26 14:15:20 | 浏览:3729 | 评论:1

Dear Prof. Jiang,

Thanks for keeping me updated on The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network.

Here's a piece of news you might post to the Latest News section of your association's web site. Not sure if you've received this invitation to Senator Bob Huff's event this Friday, October 28 at Pacific Palms.

Robert S. Huff(born September 9, 1953)is the chair of the Republican Caucus of California State Senate.

Warm regards,

Steve Lee

加州参议员Bob Huff生日晚会 邀请函(10/28 Pacific Palms)
加州参议员Bob Huff生日晚会 邀请函(10/28 Pacific Palms)

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yeu说:留言于2011-11-04 01:50:22(第1条)
Bob Huff’s so-called “birthday” event is a “political” one to get folks to donate for his re-election and/or vote for him, right? The citizens of Walnut community have dealt with him before and left in their mouths a bad taste, including those residents who are Republicans themselves. His wife is Mei Mei Ho, who’s from Taiwan, and who’s desperately trying to get the Asian/Chinese community to be on her husband’s “side.” I am not sure that CAPP Network is an academically appropriate forum to market his event. Just my private thoughts to you in case you don’t know this
Thanks for your feedback and advice. We will watch it carefully from now on.

Sincerely yours,

Your Net
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