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奠基协议签字 两岸清华携手建立联合学位
来源:National Tsing Hua University | 作者:Sabrina Li | 2011/12/6 3:28:47 | 浏览:2007 | 评论:0

Beijing Tsinghua University and Hsinchu Tsing Hua University Sign Ground Breaking Agreement to Establish Joint Degrees

Hsinchu, December 6, 2011

After nearly two years of discussion and negotiation, NTHU and Beijing Tsinghua announced to offer a joint-degree program. President of Beijing Tsinghua University, Academician Binglin Gu, representing Tsinghua University- Beijing, and President of NTHU, Academician Lih J. Chen, representing Tsing Hua University- Hsinchu signed anagreement to establish joint degree program for students of both universities.

The signing of this ground breaking agreement is hailed it as an educational breakthrough for both universities across the Strait.

“It is natural and appropriate for Beinjing Tsinghua and Hsinchu Tsing Hua to “break the ice” ,so-to-speak, to enter into what is expected to be a significant academic cooperation in the 21st century,” said Academician Lih J. Chen

Chen further elaborated that “these two universities are not only among the best, they have also shared a glorious and common history for the past 100 years. It is our ernest hope that with this effort, it could spark other universities on both side of the strait to begin working hand-in-hand to ensure that Asia Pacific is the most exciting region of the globe in this new century.”

“From a student point of view, this program is designed to enrich the lives of students and enhance their understanding of different cultures. We hope that in time to come,we can claim to educate a new cadre of bright students from both shores who understand in depth the intrinsic nuances of each other,” concluded Chen.

At the initial phase, each institution may recommend up to ten students, and these students must apply and receive admission from both institutions. Applications may submit at the same time, and must adhere to each program's admission criteria. To receive the degree from both universities, every student of the program is expected to provide different theses for each institution. 

Tuitions for joint degree students are determined by the home university during their enrollment. Under the agreement, students must finish core courses, and completed credits are transferable according to the regulations of the two institutions.

Both Universities have begun active recruiting for the joint degree program; currently eight students enrolled in Beijing Tsinghua, and four in NTHU this semester.

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