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UCLA:Study in Shanghai this summer!
作者:UCLA-CCS | 2012/1/10 14:47:05 | 浏览:4957 | 评论:0

Program overview

Immerse yourself in Chinese language and culture this summer. Hosted by Shanghai Jiaotong University, you will focus on Chinese language and Chinese Contemporary Pop Culture through film. With Shanghai as both laboratory and classroom, these courses will include guest lectures and fieldwork in Shanghai.

Students at all levels of Mandarin are welcome.

This program is being offered by the UCLA Department of Asian Languages and Cultures in partnership with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of International Education. For questions regarding the Chinese language instructions please contact Professor Tao <mailto:tao@humnet.ucla.edu> .

Required Courses:

  • Chinese 103:Chinese language and culture(4 units)
  • Chinese 157:Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture(4 units)
  • Chinese 103:This language course is intended to prepare students with the necessary Chinese language skills to successfully communicate in professional and academic settings. The program will accommodate students with no
  • Chinese language experience as well as students with intermediate and advanced levels of Chinese.
  • Chinese 157:This course examines popular culture in modern China, with dual emphasis on cinema and the city. Specific topics to be studied include the role of the city in modernity and globalization; the function of cinema as an imaginative social space; and the interactions among different arts, media, and genres in everyday life. With Shanghai as both laboratory and classroom, the course will include in-class screenings, guest lectures, and student presentations based on fieldwork in the city at large.

To register, please go to:http://www.ieo.ucla.edu/travelstudy/ALC-Shanghai/overview.htm

Malcolm Quon
Travel Study Programs Coordinator
UCLA International Education Office
Facebook group <https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/UCLAIEO> ; Twitter feed <http://twitter.com/#!/UCLAIEO>
Office:310-825-2770; Fax:310-794-4428
B300 Murphy Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095

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