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Message from the CSASC President Dr. Keyue Ma Smedley
作者:CSA | 2012/1/10 14:28:30 | 浏览:4107 | 评论:0

Dear CSASC Members,

I am very honored to be elected as the president to lead the association in the next two years.  Thank you for your trust.  I want to thank Bruce Sun and the previous board members for their excellent job. Indeed I feel the pressure for the new board to match their high standard.  Shenghe Huang, Yi Liu, and Chongwu Zhou will not continue their position in the new board.   My sincere appreciate to three of them for their great contributions that made the Association successful. 

I would like to congratulate our newly elected board members, new vice president Lianlian Lin , new secretary Bruce Sun, new treasurer Ren Sun, new science director Hua Jin, new social science director Cindy Chen, and new outreach director Hongmei Ai.  Thank you for your willingness to serve this great association.    

As a tradition, we will hold a Chinese New Year Celebration on 2/11/2012.   The location will be announced soon.  I hope to see you in the party.  I also would like to welcome new members.  Together, we can make the association a much stronger one.   

During last board meeting, we have also decided to explore some new directions in providing service to promote our members and to serve the US-China education/exchange needs.  Your involvement is very welcome.   Please contact our outreach director Hongmei or myself(keyuesmedley@cox.net)for any comments, suggestions, and requests.  

Thank you again.  I look forward to working with all of you.

Keyue Ma Smedley, Ph.D.
President of CSASC

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