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赵美心愤慨:3rd Marine in Harry Lew's hazing death gets off Scot-Free
2012/2/7 11:05:26 | 浏览:3567 | 评论:0

赵美心愤慨:3rd Marine in Harry Lew

Dear Zhenying,

I have distressing news to tell you.  On Friday, the trial of the third perpetrator of hazing against my nephew Harry Lew concluded.   Tragically, Lance Corporal Carlos Orozco was found not guilty.

This not guilty verdict is the second assault on Harry and his family. Orozco took matters into his own hands, joining his fellow Marine in assaulting Harry for 3 ½ hours, but now, he gets to go free, and Harry is dead.   It is a travesty of justice and it is outrageous.  The verdict implies that Harry's life is not even worth the smallest of punishment, not even a one dollar fine, not even one pushup, not even the carrying of one sandbag.  Even a jaywalker would get greater punishment.

Three Marines were charged in the crime.  The not-guilty verdicts of Orozco, and Johns, and the minimal punishment for Jacoby show that justice cannot be obtained in the military system.   In a military trial, the "jury of the peers" is comprised entirely of Marines, who think that hazing is normal and even expected.  Therefore, unless the community demands change, nothing will happen to these Marines who assault other Marines, even though they are supposed to be fighting on the same side of the war.

No military family should have had to endure the injustice of these verdicts. The Lew family lost their only son, and the perpetrators can go on with their lives as though nothing ever happened, and continue to climb the career ranks in the Marines. 

In the last several weeks, I've received such an outpouring of support from all of you, and I truly appreciate it.  Many of you have expressed outrage and are appalled by the outcome of Harry's case.  Many of you have asked what you can do to change the culture of military hazing, and make sure no other families have to endure such a tragedy.

Here's how.  Join me in standing up against military hazing and support a Zero Tolerance policy by signing this petition to Secretary Panetta and the Department of Defense right now:


And please spread the word to your family, friends, and co-workers.  The more signatures we have, then the more our voices will be heard, and the stronger impact we will make.   

In the meanwhile, we are pressing for Congressional hearings on military hazing.  The responses to our requests have been promising, but it is important for your Congressmembers to hear from you as to the importance of these hearings.

Together, we can make sure other military families don't ever have to suffer from such devastating losses.  We can make sure that the deaths of Harry Lew and Danny Chen were not in vain.  We can honor their memories by pressuring the military to take real steps to reform their anti-hazing policies. 

We must put a stop to military hazing.  

Judy Chu
Member of Congress

第3名迫害廖梓源士兵被无罪释放 赵美心表愤慨
2012年02月28日 02:24     来源:侨报    作者:高睿【大 中 小】
【侨报记者高睿2月27日洛杉矶报道】获悉上周五第3名迫害廖梓源的美军士兵奥罗兹克(Carlos Orozco)被判无罪的消息,美国国会众议员赵美心26日连夜发表声明,在表达对判决结果强烈不满的同时,呼吁她的支持者发起网上签名活动,要求国防部通过对军中凌霸现象的零容忍法案



赵美心希望她的支持者登录反对军中凌霸的网站:http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ zerotoleranceharassment/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=system&utm_campaign=Send%2Bto%2Bfriend发起签名活动,通过廖梓源和陈丹尼(Danny Chen)两条华裔士兵的人命,唤起国会对军中凌霸现象的重视,并以听证会的方式,敦促美国国防部通过对军中凌霸现象的零容忍法案。

趙美心:凌辱問題 軍方未認真對待
加州國會眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu,民主黨)的表外甥、海軍陸戰隊員廖梓源(Harry Lew)因為受到同袍的凌虐,於去年4月在阿富汗自殺。趙美心6日在國會舉行的一個論壇上,抨擊國防部的代表,指稱軍方沒有認真對待軍隊內部的凌辱問題。



陸戰隊人力計畫與政策處主管艾普蓋特(Mike Applegate)對趙美心說,廖梓源事件是「不可原諒的」,陸戰隊準備制止軍隊「任何地方發生的凌辱」。


國會成立的「軍事領導層多元化委員會」(Military Leadership Diversity Commission)去年4月發表的一份報告指出,軍隊領導層中少數族裔的代表性不足。國會議員6日對軍隊未能充分實施該委員會的建議表示失望。

國會眾議員寇明斯(Elijah Cummings,民主黨,馬里蘭州)說:「(軍方)似乎說了很多,但行動很不夠。」國會參議員卡汀(Benjamin Cardin,民主黨,馬里蘭州)說:「我沒有看到國防部對這個問題的嚴重性作過任何承諾。」


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