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China Institute(NY)Events
2012/4/2 1:45:13 | 浏览:2517 | 评论:0

China Institute(NY)Events

April 2012

China Institute(NY)Events



Calendar of Events:

China Institute(NY)Events

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China Institute(NY)Events

China Institute(NY)Events

China Institute(NY)Events

China Institute(NY)Events


General Highlights:

Theater, Life, and the Afterlife:Tomb Décor of the Jin Dynasty from Shanxi ~ February 9 - June 17, 2012

Brick carving is a traditional folk art that was used to decorate architecture and adorn tombs. The Shanxi region was an area famed for its brick carving; artisans there developed very sophisticated carving techniques such as high relief, open carving, and round carving, which transformed plain bricks into vibrant artworks. Theatrical scenes were popular subjects for brick carving in Shanxi and revealed the passion for theater and opera in this region. Their tombs, adorned with beautiful, intricate brick carvings and other décor revealed two kinds of popular entertainment:Za Ju, formal performances of written plays and San Qu, performances related to village festivals. Theater, Life, and the Afterlife:Tomb Décor of the Jin Dynasty from Shanxi will bring to life the intersection of the brick carving and theater traditions. More...

Adult Language & Studio Courses ~ Spring 2012

Starting in April, we will offer classes in Conversation, Reading, Film, Calligraphy, Painting, and more. Registration is now OPEN! More...

Language Workshop:Essential Chinese for Travelers ~ April 5, 2012

Learn the essentials to traveling in China, including but not limited to:a brief cultural introduction, crucial phrases appropriate for daily use, greetings and proper terms of address, asking for directions, and much more! Materials are included. Open to all levels. More...

Film Screening: When China Met Africa ~ April 26, 2012

China's relations with African countries are frequently cast simultaneously as commerce, exploitation, neo-colonialism, and aid. Just how should we understand this relationship? The new documentary film, When China Met Africa, considers this complex question via a close investigation into the country of Zambia, encountering three distinct but revealing characters:a Chinese entrepreneur, a project manager for a Chinese multinational, and the Zambian trade minister. The film will be followed by a response and Q&A led by Professor Howard French. More...

Special Events
SAVE THE DATE:Annual China Institute Gala ~ May 11, 2012

Please join us at Gala 2012 as we honor Chen Feng, Chairman of HNA Group and David Henry Hwang, Tony Award-winning playwright and librettist. China Institute's internationally acclaimed Musician of the Year, Wu Tong, will perform the evening of the Gala. More...

Renwen Society
The Legacy of C.C. Wang as a Great Painter and Connoisseur:Lecture and Book Signing by Kathleen Yang ~ April 15, 2012

C.C. Wang, a celebrated collector and connoisseur of Chinese literati paintings of the 20th century, as well as a talented painter himself, spent over sixty years studying Chinese paintings from the Imperial Collection.  For about 40 years, while studying the original works, as well as the published images of these paintings, he recorded private notes.  His notes reflect the traditional Chinese way of judging paintings, which he learned from his mentors, the eminent collectors and painters, Gu Lingshi and Wu Hufan. Kathleen Yang, a graduate of Harvard University, studied with C.C. for many decades in order to understand the traditional connoisseurship of Chinese literati paintings, a system that has existed in China for many centuries, through which one's knowledge is transmitted from mentor to mentees. When C.C. Wang asked her to translate his notes from Chinese into English for publication, she spent three years consulting with him on a weekly basis to ensure the accuracy of the information, particularly the criteria he used in rating the paintings. On April 15, Kathleen Yang will talk about C.C. Wang, the painter and connoisseur, the importance and scope of his collection, and the collectors in Shanghai before the establishment of the New China. This lecture will be in Chinese. More...

China Institute(NY)Events

English summary:C.C. Wang, a celebrated collector and connoisseur of Chinese literati paintings of the 20th century, as well as a talented painter himself, spent over sixty years studying Chinese paintings from the Imperial Collection. For about 40 years, while studying the original works, as well as the published images of these paintings, he recorded private notes. His notes reflect the traditional Chinese way of judging paintings, which he learned from his mentors, the eminent collectors and painters, Gu Lingshi and Wu Hufan. Kathleen Yang, a graduate of Harvard University, studied with C.C. for many decades in order to understand the traditional connoisseurship of Chinese literati paintings, a system that has existed in China for many centuries, through which one's knowledge is transmitted from mentor to mentees. When C.C. Wang asked her to translate his notes from Chinese into English for publication, she spent three years consulting with him on a weekly basis to ensure the accuracy of the information, particularly the criteria he used in rating the paintings. On April 15, Kathleen Yang will talk about C.C. Wang, the painter and connoisseur, the importance and scope of his collection, and the collectors in Shanghai before the establishment of the New China.

王己千(1907--2003生於東吳世家,為明代戶部尚書、武英殿大學士王鏊第十四代嫡孫。王己千先生是20世紀中國畫收藏界和鑑賞界的泰斗。國外十多個著名博物館共有160 多件他以前收藏過的畫。他的收藏不僅涵蓋了明、清,而且宋、元的一些名跡幾乎都集中在他手上。在美期間王己千先生曾多次將心愛的珍藏提供給重要博物館。王己千先生也是一個造詣很高的畫家。他不但承繼傳統,筆墨老辣,而且聰慧過人,善於變法。 1947年移居美國後,他呼應國際美術的動態變化,多次對自己的繪畫風格進行調整。在熟練掌握傳統筆墨的基礎上,他大膽地借鑒西畫的諸多繪畫技法,運用於自己的創作之中,使自己的作品華人愛看,西方人也愛看。
王己千先生數十年來寫下了大量的鑑賞中國古畫的私人評論筆記,生前托友人楊凱琳女士整理並譯成英文。 2000年到2003年年間,楊女士每星期去王府跟王己千討論她的譯稿並請王己千介紹他鑑賞書畫的心得。楊女士花了十一年光陰,寫成《王季遷讀畫筆記》,以中英文形式在中華書局出版。這部筆記以原始真實的記錄,完整保存了王氏對其收藏名作的品鑑感想和研究心得。從這些文字中,還可窺得王先生對中國古代書畫的鑑定風格、方法特點、認識理念,以及其他鑑賞名家之間的異同等,可說是稱作極為珍貴的第一手文獻資料。為幫助廣大民眾進一步了解王己千先生的人生經歷、藝術造詣和收藏名作,華美人文學會於2012415日(星期)下午2時至4時特邀楊凱琳女士做"收藏家王己千"的講座。 楊女士在講座中將投放大量圖片資料。講座後還將舉行簽名售書活動。
Sunday, April 15 2 - 4 PM
Free member / $5 non-member

To register and learn more about this lecture, please visit http://chineselectures.org/041512.html
or call(646)912-8861.

To watch videos of selected Renwen lectures and events, please visit http://chineselectures.org/videos.html.


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